(no subject)

Nov 07, 2004 13:25

Ha! Ha!

Many people arrrre asking me, "Yourrrr Majessty, what do you think of the election of Georrrge Bush?"

Well, I am verrrry pleased. George W. Bush is good for Al-Qaeda. He deposssed that bastard Saddam Hussein, who was keeping my foot soldiers out of Iraq. Now we can use Iraq as we wish. All the drrrreadful (but to me verrry funny) things happening to the Iraqi people inspirrres more of the believers to join us in Al-Qaeda. So I thank the Amerrican people for electing George W. Bush.

My only fearrr is that Mama will go back to the Godforsaken Land of Ice. Purrhaps I will be able to stay in the sun with the Fat Man.
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