number six.

Jul 14, 2008 03:46

ack. the building for the course i want to change to is nowhere near where i'm living- it's on the otherside of town. according to the website, it's 19 minutes away, which isn't good for my track record of sleeping in. i'd have to catch the bus or taxi it on those days. or i'd have to move out. the only accomodation that's remotely near it and not already full is great newton hall, and that's more expensive than victoria hall. it'd be weird, having to start the whole 'making friends' process again. i already know next year with the girls is going to annoy me. it's been just over two months without seeing one, and i don't miss her at all. she's quite petty and bitchy towards my previous flatmates, and i'm afraid i'll lose contact with the rest of the block living with them, as they didn't integrate themselves well with the group (apart from one, and everyone turned against her towards the end).

i'd rather skip all this hassle and temp instead. i don't understand why the majority of decent jobs require some form of degree or diploma, it's ridiculous. my auntie worked for eighteen years in the same place, on a really good wage, without a degree. i wish we could go back to those times..
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