Apr 28, 2007 20:43
So Grady has been in the hospital for 8 days now and hes finally starting to come around. Before he was so manic that he was verbally abusive to me. Always knowing what to say to push my buttons and really hurt my feelings. Hated me for wanting him to get help. He was saying that he doesnt need his medication and that he could meditate through everything. He was saying that I have to like him while hes psycotic or he wouldnt want to be with me if I just want him to be stable and take his meds.
Now hes apoligizing for what hes saying and now he wants to get better. He still acts like a child and is totally inapropriate which is not normal for Grady when he is stable but hes on the road to recovery. This is the third time this has happened in the time that we have been together. I do a ton of research on bipolar and I educate him all about it everytime he gets well hoping that he will know what to do next time he starts going manic. But everytime he starts slipping he thinks "its different this time" and he goes back into denial that he has any problems at all. Then he keeps slipping until hes so delusional that he has to go to the hospital. He seems to go manic every spring and slips into a depression in the winter.
Now our goel is to work as a team and not let bipolar control our lives. We must learn even more about the illness and Grady must see doctors regularly, get his meds adjusted as needed so that he can be stable all the time. Being manic can be disasterous and its devestating for those around him everytime. Being depressed is torture (I know because I suffer from depression and anxiety) and thats why he doesnt get help when hes manic. It just feels so good to be coming out of a depression and thats why mania can be so seductive.