Jul 16, 2003 17:40
Hai boys and girls. :D
Tis i. Huzzah! Okay so i haven't been updating this thing since like 4 days ago or something. Been busy with work and all plus i haven't been able to get a signal from my room (i use a wireless airport connection) and i'm too lazy to actually bring my lapytopy out into the living room where the signal's stronger. lalala.
In other news, i don't think badinagoodway.com will ever be up again. Anytime soon anyway. Hee. Maybe i might just get hosted somewhere else or something. I probably won't have my domain name anymore and the new URL will probably be something retardo like lalala.com/fubar or something but hey, at least it's better than nothing. We'll see how it goes. lalala.
So what's new. Hm. Well i bought The Rules Of Attraction on DVD the other day. It's an alright movie i guess. I don't like Shannon Soahsnanshanamnmom though. I wouldn't tap that.
I'd tap Jessica Biel though. Sucks that she's not on that 7th Heaven show anymore. Oh wait. Isn't that show over now? I think that Beverly Mitchell chick got married in the end or something. I liked that show. Aaron Spelling owns.
Oh and i bought James Bond Nightfire for PS2. I giggle like a little schoolgirl every time James Bond says something naughty. James Bond is the master of sexual innuendo.
Speaking of videogames, i've only played 16 minutes of Final Fantasy X International. Then i got bored, gave up and quit. I don't think i'll ever play that game ever again.
I wanna get FF9 and Chrono Trigger. And maybe FF3. I actually already own FF9 but i lost it. I think i may have left it in Malaysia. I hate Malaysia. Anyhow, one time, like... in 1994 or something, i played FF3 on my SNES for 24 hours straight. You can actually beat the whole game in about 24 hours. If you play non stop that is. I have Chrono Trigger on my Mac. I can play it through this SNES 9X emulator that i have on this here laptop of mine but it's just not the same playing it with a keyboard. I actually have an 8 button controller that i can use with my Mac but i left it in Michigan.
Just like how i left my Avril Lavigne CD in Michigan.
I was telling a friend about how i was thinking of buying a used SNES and getting both FF3 and Chrono Trigger and he was like, "why don't you just get the PSone versions?". Doh.
I leave you all now with this. HEEHEE.
THerbMcC71: So, Fubar's gone, eh?
friendlyblueDane: I know that you're flooded with mails and IMs right now, but I'll be an ass and ask anyway: What the shit happened to FUBAR?
TehBubba: What's up with the FU? Inquiring minds want to know, well, at least Kingolf does...
TehBubba: Bah, you can suck my sharona. Make your site work
mC tRip 21: Account for domain badinagoodway.com has been suspended
mC tRip 21: ????
juice2027: dude the guys at mah w3rk really miss your site... :P
l2icochet: what happened to your site?
Lenus2xtremeHB: what happened to ur website?
arexhawker: website still down?
DOGUS15118: what the fuck is wrong with the site
rockneedsasavior: what happened to badinagoodway.com?
Jackalicious2: tell me when your site is coming up, or I'll bug suzi about it and she seems to hate it a lot
sm4shy: when's yer site gonna get back up?
JI3NNI: yo dude
JI3NNI: what happened to your site?
DJDecepticon78: how come your domain was suspended?
AceofSpades85: why did fubar die?
PC Man Jon: your website has been suspended
radish01001: suspended until?
enter sandman148: www.badinagoodway.com suspended, eh?
senate8338: what happened?
w haddabrunette: hey, what happened to your site?
shiznizzlin: ummm yeah, i'm sure you've been asked this alot, but what happened to the site? "Account for domain badinagoodway.com has been suspended" all i know is that one day i'm lookin through the blogs, and the next, that's what i see. is it a new url now?
okstorms: so what are you doing about your site?
ok storms: inquiring minds want to know
GodofRock13: what the dil-lio happened to your site G?
DaRkSuPeRMaN3666: dude, when is your sit going back up?
DaRkSuPeRMaN3666: a piece of my life is missing without F.U.B.A.R.
DrunkenGorg: SO what's the deal with Fubar? Are you planning on bringing back up?
jstuder55104: so why did your site get suspended
PacManJesus: without fubar I think I am starting to go crazy
TheJuice1269a: when is fubar gonna be back yo?
TheGammaddict: any word on a time table for BIAGW?
TheGammaddict: i am going thru withdrawals...
SitOnMyBass: hey, you've probably been asked this a lot, but what happened to teh webstie?
movenistic: i'm sure you've been asked this 100 times by now but any news on fubar?
Vassilios10420: I know you are constantly asked this, but whats up with fubar?
afterophelia: ... so, what's up with your site? (I bet you're getting that a lot, huh?)
oddho: yo, what happened to the site?
mattatslbs: what's the haps with your site man?
edotherocket: whens the site gonna be up?
DubU2584: whats goin on wtih the site
DubU2584: i miss hearing your words of...I guess it would be wisdom...or lunacy
LessThanKeli: where the fuck has your site been??
TeflonParakeet: _()Q#*%)(#*%)(*W$%)(*W$)(%*)W($*%
Teflon Parakeet: I know you did it on purpose.