[Avoiding that question for now, because she doesn't like talking about these things over the Network, and she doesn't trust her filtering ability.]
Yours isn't. I've never come across your species before, let alone navigated a body of one. Perhaps we should meet elsewhere to discuss some subtleties.
She waits by the edge of the forest, slightly uncertain. She's uncertain about how much she should divulge, how he'll take it all, and what he'd do with the information once the curse was over.
But mainly, she's uncertain about how to walk in her new body without feeling as though she's going to fall over.
"Hello." It's odd to see herself speaking from an outside viewpoint. Certainly she wasn't used to many mirrors when she was growing up, and she could hardly look at herself in the Ankh, as she was more likely to get an accurate reading of how her face looked through impression rather than reflective surface.
She sighed, or at least the equivalent, and decided to get right down to it. "My name is Angua, I am a police officer here. Someone told me that your name is Kais?"
"That's very nice of you." This was possibly the strangest situation to have her feelings spared that she'd ever been a part of. "But actually, that's part of what I'd like to talk to you about. Have you experienced any sort of changes? I mean, aside from waking up as me."
Why was this so tough to explain? "I mean, within the time of being in my body, have you changed in any other manner?"
...then this is a human body?
Yours isn't. I've never come across your species before, let alone navigated a body of one. Perhaps we should meet elsewhere to discuss some subtleties.
But mainly, she's uncertain about how to walk in her new body without feeling as though she's going to fall over.
She sighed, or at least the equivalent, and decided to get right down to it. "My name is Angua, I am a police officer here. Someone told me that your name is Kais?"
Why was this so tough to explain? "I mean, within the time of being in my body, have you changed in any other manner?"
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