I guess I got lucky!!!!
Sometimes lifes issues have a way of settling over all the good stuff,the way nicotine coats the walls and windows,making things a little yellowish and grimy.The things you love just dont shine the way they used to and therefore dont catch your eye the same way anymore.Its good to pick them up every once in a while and wipe the grime away....I started thinking about this last night as I lay in bed.I looked over at Shawn, who was already fast asleep, and just marveled at how I still get butterflies when I look at him,when I think of him,when hes close to me.We arent always the "happy couple",that "new relationship" affection stopped a pretty long time ago and we get plenty annoyed with eachother at times.But small,perfect moments keep us entwined in eachother.Two very opposite people completely in sync.I handle his tendancy for carelessness with money,he gently tolerates my mood swings and at the end of each day,we are still everything to eachother.I can lay in bed at night while hes asleep and just trace my fingers over the curves of his arm,his neck,his back.....completely content just feeling his skin and knowing I have him.He still feels the urge to kiss my forehead softly and whisper "I love you" in the midst of lovemaking.So while heavy disscusions about money and our future leave their residue of frustration and discontent,I need only to wipe it away to see the wonderous beauty of this love.