Age: 26. I decided his birthday's on April Fool's.
Height: 176 cm
Weight: About 150? A little less?
Medical Info: Pretty squeaky clean. He's been knocked out by a whip and a taser, but neither did any lasting danger. Was once admitted to the hospital for eating a glass vial with POISON in it. Camp-wise, he's died once and had the occasional minor injury.
Eyes: Blue! Brown! ... both? Seriously, he has blue eyes in the DS release but dark brown in the original GBA one. Feel free to boggle at his magical color-changing eyes.
Hair: Black and spikey.
Physical traits: Is...a lawyer? Seriously, nothing special here.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything! This is definitely the character to meta with. :Dd Show him porn, call him a gay lawyer, it's all good. He's personally familiar up to the flashback case in GS4.
Abilities: OBJECT UP IN YO FACE! Also has a shiny magatama that lets him see if people are lying. Otherwise, he's a pretty normal guy.
Notes for the Psychics: Normal guy! You might get a hint of power from the magatama on him. Feel free to read those blue notes he makes. :Dd
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Yep! Just ping me or something to tell me what's up and I am all for it.
Maim/Murder/Death: Go for it! Just know that...he's totally not a fighter. If you attack him, he can't fight back. Also, he will pass out if he gets a major injury, so he'll need help getting to the hospital. I'd prefer a warning if you intend to actually kill him.
Cooking: He's a bachelor who does nothing when his assistant isn't with him. TOO LAZY TO COOK, SORRY. That said, he really isn't bad. He's the sort of person who wanders into the kitchen with the INTENTION TO COOK and then. gets distracted half-way through and burns it all.