Edge Of Desire

Mar 09, 2012 23:57

Title: Edge Of Desire
Summary: Heavily inspired by this lovely picture (sfw). Somewhat based on the timeline of pottertweets; James has come back as a young man in his 20s.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairings: Charlie Weasley/James Potter
Genre: romance, AU because of James
Rating/Warnings: R; language, sexy things (I believe that it's considered mild frottage? They still have their jeans on though.)
Word Count: 1038
Author's Notes: This is the first semi-pwp piece that I've ever written. No plot, but the other 'p' isn't really graphic so idk what this is, okay. Dedicated to c_hrista and raphaellover, who encouraged me a lot during the process. Also etacanis, because she is awesome.

Charlie has never heard his name chanted before, but he could definitely get used to it, especially when it falls out so trippingly from James' mouth.

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie.

They're in a small bathroom somewhere in 12 Grimmauld Place. James is perched on the sink, delicately balancing himself with one lean arm resting against the window sill. His tongue comes out to lick his smirking lips, and Charlie can't help but fucking growl.

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie.

He can hear it now, even in the silent space that they both occupy: James' gravelly voice, the one that he uses when he's nearly breaking, whispering into his ear, staccato gasps punctuating every syllable.

Charlie never realised how goddamn beautiful his name could sound before James came along.

The first breath always stutters from James' lips, as if he's going to give up all his breath and collapse right onto Charlie's body. It's nothing but a groan that melts into the second syllable with a wicked curl and a pleading cry for more.

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie.

They sit across from each other in the small space. Charlie's on the toilet seat, his jeans too tight and his back bare against the new lavender tiles. His hair is still wet from the shower, and he watches James' eyes follow the water drops that slick their way down his body. He watches James' lick his damned lips again, and shivers at the sudden cold.

Or warmth. Charlie's body is confused at the moment.

He glimpses himself in the mirror behind James. Tousled red hair, dark eyes, his chain with Bessie's first tooth on it hanging down his chest, brushing against the top of his too-tight jeans. His eyes flick upwards and settles on James' open mouth, his dark messy hair, the way his jaw curves into his neck…

When James does that lick again, Charlie lets out something between a growl and a groan, and when James bites his bottom lip, Charlie instinctively reaches forward to grab a fistful of James' shirt.

The material doesn't rip, even when Charlie settles himself back against the cool wall, his skin flush against the pale pinkish-purple tiles. His left arm rests on his lap still, but his right is tense, muscles tightening as his hand twists the bit of James shirt towards him.

James manages to keep his balance, and Charlie marvels at the way the light catches that perfect diagonal of the ruined shirt, the way James' body is as tensed and relaxed as Charlie's is, the way that James lets out a sigh.

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie.

They sit like that for a few minutes. They haven't said a word since James shoved his way into the bathroom when Charlie was busy drying himself off after his shower. Not a word since James had given Charlie a raised eyebrow and a trademark James Potter smirk. Not since James had climbed up onto the sink while Charlie towelled himself off and pulled on his jeans.

Charlie's arm starts to ache, and he wonders for a moment whether or not to rip the shirt completely off of James' body. James stares at him, a quizzical challenge on his damned lips, and Charlie gives a gentle tug, loving the way James tilts forward, his eyes blinking in amusement.

Another tug, and James slips off the sink, his eyes playful and dark and questioning. Charlie grins as he uses both hands to reel James in, and doesn't stop until James is on his lap.

"Hello gorgeous," James breathes, and Charlie can't help but lean forward and bury his nose into the crook of James' neck, placing a soft kiss on the rise of the left collarbone. When James shivers in response, Charlie smiles, and does it again.

He doesn't stop until James cards his fingers through Charlie's hair and lets out a very quiet moan that dips down into Charlie's body and pools at his groin.

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie.

He looks up into James' eyes, and, tilting just a bit, licks a stripe up the side of James' neck.

"Fuck you." James' hiss makes Charlie chuckle, and he pulls the dark-haired wizard closer to him. "Fuck. You."

He places a wet kiss just behind a ear before whispering, "All in good time, love." Charlie enjoys the way those five words make James's grip on his shoulders tighten, fingernails biting into flesh.

Charlie looks up at James' hooded eyes, and emits a strangled sound as James presses cool lips against his neck. It's Charlie's turn to throw his head backwards, resting against the wall as James snickers against his skin. The laughs gradually fade away as James finds that one spot on Charlie's neck that makes him fucking shudder, and doesn't stop his assault until Charlie's hands drop down to James' waist and start thumbing along his hipbones.

Then James' hips fucking move, and Charlie loses his concentration, fingers pressing down against the smooth skin that arches rigidly downwards into the jeans. When James lets out an impatient whine, Charlie snaps his head forward and kisses him right on his impetuous mouth.

"Charlie," James mutters, his voice rough from the kiss. "Now. Want you now."

James' fingers are weaved into Charlie's locks so tightly, but Charlie isn't at all sorry when the rolling movements of their hips cause little tugs of pain to ripple across his scalp, deliciously followed by James practically howling into Charlie's neck.

"Bed." James voice is cracked with the strain of holding back his groans, and he bites out the words with a clenched jaw. "Charlie, please."

Charlie chuckles softly and untangles his fingers from the belt loops on James' jeans. "Well, if you say so." He watches James climb down from his lap and start toward the door, not expecting the brunette to turn back and say, "If you think your arse is hurting from sitting too long, you have no idea what it's going to feel like after I'm done, I promise."

Charlie closes his eyes for just one quick moment, then leaps forward to pull James by his ragged shirt, literally dragging him out of the bathroom and into Charlie's bedroom a few corridors down.

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie.

Yeah, he could definitely get used to that.

form: fanfiction, series: pottertweets (charmes), rating: r, genre: au, contains: sexual themes, contains: light swearing, fandom: harry potter, character: charlie weasley, pairing: charlie/james, character: james potter, genre: romance

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