Title: Three Witches, Two Ghosts, and a Tiger
Summary: Chapter 1 of idk how many. A HiH-HP crossover fic. Eventual Christa/Ron, Nadia/Oliver, Carol/Harry, Severus/Hermione. As the wizarding world continues to heal after the War, Hogwarts makes some changes to its staff. I'll add more about the plot as it continues to unfold.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairings: Christa/
c_hrista, Nadia/
pointblankdarcy, Hermione Granger, Minerva McGonagall, Nearly Headless Nick, Helena Ravenclaw
Genre: Gen, Friendship
Rating/Warnings: G/none
Word Count: 1063
Author's Notes: There are sections which are like… character breaks. I don't even know why. Just roll with it. Apparently, it's going to be a subtle 'Love Actually' thing.
------------------ NADIA ------------------
The dark-haired woman looked up nervously. Hogwarts looked intimidating, looming over her and her companion in the tiny boat.
"Oh, come on, Nadia, it isn't that scary!" Christa patted her friend firmly on the shoulder and stood up, ignoring Nadia's shriek as the boat rocked. "Ahoy, Hogwaaaaaaaaarts!"
Her yell echoed in the evening darkness, bouncing back from broken walls. Nadia resigned herself to keeping the boat from capsizing as it wobbled closer to shore, where a huge man was waiting.
Hagrid took the two young women to the Great Hall, and left after informing them that the Deputy Headmistress would greet them good and proper. Nadia and Christa gazed silently at the battle-marked walls, both imagining how, in this room, people and children had fought and died.
"It looks quite solemn now, but once term begins, the house banners will brighten it up."
The two friends turned to see Hermione Granger smiling at them. The Hermione Granger, one of the Trio that had helped to bring down the Dark Lord.
"Hello," she said, "I'm Hermione. I teach Potions."
Christa grinned at the witch, and immediately stuck her hand out. "My name's Christa, and I'm going to be teaching Transfiguration. I'm an Animagus; how cool is that? I was registered a month ago, and I love my form… Here, let me show you!"
A blink, and a beautiful Sumatran Tiger appeared where Christa had been. Hermione and Nadia both leapt back as the tiger stretched.
Nadia chuckled. "Yeah, she does that quite often. It's amusing to see her curled up beside Felix, like a proud cat mother…"
"Professor Harmon!"
Christa reappeared in her human form hastily, as Professor McGonagall came into view. "Oh dear."
Minerva McGonagall had aged quite a bit due to the War, but had lost none of her fire. "Professor Harmon, I'm both glad and proud to know that yet another member of the wizarding community has decided to complete an Animagus transformation and succeeded, but I do not hope that you intend to prowl around the grounds in your form, much less in your classroom!"
A sheepish Christa nodded her acquiescence under Minerva's stern gaze.
"Now, to administrative matters." The Deputy Headmistress cleared her throat. "I'm sure Hermione has introduced herself. She is the resident Potions Mistress, and has kindly taken up the position of Head of Slytherin House. Hermione, this is Christa and Nadia, and they will be teaching Transfiguration and Charms respectively. As discussed, you'll be taking them under your wing and showing them around Hogwarts before term starts."
Two transparent figures floated through the wall at that moment, startling the two new Professors.
"Well, hello," said Nearly Headless Nick. "Are these the new ones?"
Minerva gave a rare smile. "Yes, they are. All the way from across the pond, and in Nadia's case, quite a few lakes as well. Might the both of you lead them to their chambers? I'm sure that all of us need to get some sleep." She gave Christa a pointed look. "The house elves will deliver some dinner to you both, and your things should be in your rooms already. I'll see you in the morning at breakfast."
Hermione waved goodbye as she and Minerva left the Great Hall. Christa and Nadia stared at the ghosts.
Nearly Headless Nick whisked himself to Christa's side. "Now come on, new one, let's see you to your chambers, and let me tell you all about Hogwarts…"
Laughing, Christa bid her friend goodnight, and chatted with the ghost as they made their way out of the hall.
"She's a bright one," said the other ghost. Her voice was tinged with sadness and envy.
Nadia looked at her curiously. "Yes, she is. I'm Nadia."
The ghost nodded. "You may call me Helena. Let me show you the way."
Nadia followed Helena as she drifted to a door in the wall. As the ghost slowly floated her way up, the witch climbed the winding staircase, half-listening as Helena spoke of regret and salvation.
------------------ HERMIONE ------------------
Hermione woke up just before her alarm went, as usual. She went about her morning business briskly, sending cleaning spells here and there to rid her room of any dust that might have accumulated during the night. Crookshanks followed her around as she gathered up her notes for the day, waiting for the moment when the door would be opened, for that meant that Hermione was ready for breakfast.
As she made her way down to the Great Hall with Crookshanks at her heel, Hermione spotted Nadia and Christa on their way to breakfast. She couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. She missed wandering around the castle with Ron and Hermione. She missed having friends around. Oh, sure, Minerva and her were close, but Hermione did yearn for the days when the three of them would banter and squabble and get into general trouble.
She had been the only one to return to Hogwarts to complete her education. Ron and Harry had gladly accepted the certificates presented to them by the Ministry, and had both jumped into their Auror careers. And they were good at being Aurors, they were. Harry was still as humble and kind as ever, always trying to avoid the spotlight. Ron was warm-hearted, but more confident of himself, which was good…
Crookshanks nudged her foot impatiently, and Hermione realised that she had frozen on the steps for a moment or two. Shaking her head, she smiled and continued to breakfast.
"…Minerva will kill you, I swear, Christa. She explicitly told you not to show your form in the classroom!"
"Pooh! I bet she's done it before! Plus, it makes a statement."
"Of insanity."
Hermione chuckled as she caught up with the two young witches. "Oh, you two. Are you still going forward with that lesson plan of yours, Christa?"
The witch in question grinned. "Yes, of course! I'm sure it would inspire some of them to do something in Transfiguration. They'd better be ready for me, my babies." Christa then let out a cackle, which set Nadia and Hermione off in peals of laughter.
As they finally reached the staff table, Hermione reflected momentarily on her life once more. Sure, she missed the boys, but perhaps it was time to move on and build new friendships. After all, the not-so-new ones were fun.