Title: Semper Fidelis
Summary: They are the same army.
Fandom: Generation Kill (veeeery vaguely)
Characters/Pairings: Brad/Nate-ish
Genre: Gen, alien-ish AU (I rly dk)
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 410
Author's Notes: For the 30 days writing challenge. Prompt #5: "And blood in torrents pour in vaine-always in vain, for war breeds war again." (John Davidson,
Disclaimer: Based on the fictionalized characters as played by Alexander Skarsgard, Stark Sands and misc. in the HBO miniseries, not the real people.
It has always been like this.
Years flow into centuries into millenniums, the sands of time rushing from one end of the world into the next, the armies always changing, developing, adapting to each new arena but it still remains the same.
Blood is a certain constant even as tides overwhelm the earth for a block of the hourglass, staining the water crimson, a ghostly banner waving through the blue, the black, the green. A pennant for the victor: war.
They are the same army.
No one knows why they fight. Some say it's for peace, but peace is always short-lived, a mere few decades before battle erupts again and takes over the world.
They change sides, take turns to win and to lose, throw ideals to the ground and smash them into pieces before charging towards each other again. Friends become enemies in a flash of years, only dimly aware of a history shared by the shedding of blood.
Once, long ago, there was a war in an ancient city now buried in sand. The dust clung to them, the warriors, lightly crusted shields against the burst of winds. They tore across the desert, young men full of the spirit of war, until it devoured them inside out. Their leader was the first to perish when the delusion fades, green eyes filled with tears for something that was too big for him to grasp. The last was a man with a heart of ice, and he held on for an impressively long time before the shamals blew in and chipped it away.
A few hundred years later, they battle in space, brother turned against brother, the blackness an eerie backdrop for their struggle. Another jump in time, from the Others' perspective, and the same characters act out the aged play in a world under the raging seas.
The Others cheer and cry, waving flags with their favorites' names on them. The names change, but the people don't. The only time they fall silent is during a glitch when there are no victors, only lifeless bodies. It is rectified soon enough, and they cheer again as familiar green eyes gaze into the steely grey of the man with the cold heart.
The Others watch from the sidelines, safely away from the mysteriously changing world stuck in between the planets of war and love. It has always been like this, and it will always will be. Godfather is assured of this.