Fandom-specific prompts under the cut. AC prompts in the comments.
Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, swimming in the sea
Generation Kill, Ray Person, quiet
Generation Kill, Brad(&/)Nate + Ray(&/)Walt + Poke (or whoever you desire), 'The Losers' AU - betrayed and seeking revenge
Generation Kill, Walt/author's choice,
TFLN Generation Kill, Ray/author's choice,
TFLN Generation Kill, Nate/Brad + Ray (and others), revenge is sweet
Generation Kill - Ray/Walt - We're Oscar Mike
Generation Kill, Nate/Brad, riding into battle with a sword
True Blood/Generation Kill, Eric(/Nate), Brad is Eric
Criminal Minds, any/+any, "your subtext is rapidly becoming text..."
Criminal Minds, Reid, badass
Criminal Minds, Reid/+ any, "...and that's why I'm always getting kidnapped, held hostage, or beaten up. It's so predictable. I'm going to change that."
Criminal Minds, Reid, the more he sees on his job the more he fears his own fall into madness.
Criminal Minds/Harry Potter, The BAU team are American Aurors. Have them join the Order or just have them be awesome magic users.
Criminal Minds, Reid, Five times Spencer spouted off facts and one time he knew nothing about the subject.
Dead Poets Society, Charlie/Neil, "Charlie, I got the part!"
Fairy Tales, The Wolf+Little Red Riding Hood, Sympathy for the Devil
The Hunger Games, Katniss (+/& Authors Choice), Katniss didn't volunteer for Prim. She was picked to be reaped.
Hunger Games, Peeta/Katniss, The Lucky One
True Blood, Sookie + Jason, Jason's the one with telepathy
X-Men (any 'verse), Charles/Erik, Charles is the one bent on mutant supremacy, Magneto strives for human-mutant coexistence.
XM:FC, Charles/Erik, chess has always been their bridge
X-Men First Class (movieverse), Erik/Charles, revenge is bliss
X-Men (movieverse), Charles/Erik, it's the little things that reel you in.
Inception, any, It seems like so long ago that she said "sweet dreams" and turned out the light.
Inception, Arthur/Eames, Eames doodles on Arthur's skin with a permanent marker; Arthur lets him
Inception, Arthur/Eames, past
Inception, Arthur/Eames, I was finding myself sleepless, and he was running out of lullabies (Richard Siken)
Inception, Mal, she had been right: she had woken up from that dream but her husband was still in there, thinking she had committed suicide.
Inception, any, waking up from a dream is like waking up in the past
Inception, any/any, "Your body told me in a dream it's never been afraid of anything."
Inception, Arthur/Eames, a 'shifter AU - waking human, curled up together in the woods
Inception, the team (Eames/Arthur is always welcome), betting
Inception, Arthur/Eames, a split second decision before it all goes to hell
Inception, Arthur/Eames, red on the floor (skin too pale by far)
Inception, Arthur/Eames, Arthur's apartment is completely destroyed, and all Eames can say is "Whoops."
Inception, Arthur/Eames, AU: Arthur plays piano in a bar where Eames is the bartender
Inception, Arthur/Eames, blood, rain, and tears
Harry Potter, Percy/Oliver, "Is this a dare or a prank or something? I mean you're Oliver Wood, Quidditch star."
Harry Potter, Charlie Weasley, tattoos and burns
Harry Potter, Draco/Charlie, What Draco wouldn't give to brush his tongue across one of Charlie's tattoos.
Harry Potter, Oliver/Percy, leaving Hogwarts.
Harry Potter, Ginny/Luna, sun
Harry Potter, Harry/Draco, Draco's first attempt at making Harry breakfast the Muggle way
Harry Potter, any, breakfast in bed
Harry Potter, Hermione, Hermione learns soon after her twelfth birthday that there are no bridges between the Muggle and Wizarding worlds--there's just people like her, who belong in neither.
Harry Potter, Teddy Lupin, He didn't ask for this; dealing with being born a werewolf
Harry Potter, any/any, their child is a squib
Harry Potter, Percy/Oliver, after Fred's death Percy withdraws and tries to make Oliver break up with him.
Harry Potter, author’s choice, mercy and pity are something he lost while locked in a dark cupboard, bloodied and bruised
Harry Potter, Draco (+/any), deny thy father and refuse thy name (Romeo and Juliet)
Harry Potter, Al/Scorpius, only Al inherited parseltongue
Harry Potter, Voldemort, he's finally ruling the world - too bad it's a deadened husk
Harry Potter, Any, It's more cruel when the pictures move.
Harry Potter, Percy Weasley, It took a moment to decide to leave, but years to make his way back.
Harry Potter, any + respective Next Gen, The trouble with naming your children Dead Guy Jr.
Harry Potter, Dudley, being told that the school uniforms didn't fit him any more
Harry Potter, gen, an AU where Harry's story wasn't widely known and he was raised by the Weasleys, who didn't know anything except that he was an orphan
Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, The day after the defeat of Lord Voldemort
Harry Potter, Percy Weasley, five times he wanted to go home and one time he did
Harry Potter, George/Luna, Freckles
Harry Potter, Albus Serverus/Scorpius, flying
Harry Potter, Percy Weasley, he made his London flat the exact opposite of the Burrow: clean, organized, and entirely his
Harry Potter, Albus Severus +/ Scorpius, on a mission to make the Slytherin dungeon more homey
Harry Potter, any, it's not a Weasley family dinner until Molly starts asking about everyone's romantic life
Harry Potter, Harry +/ Luna, Luna is the Girl Who Lived and Harry is the son of eccentrics