Oi, Bad Girls!

Aug 15, 2010 13:52

Been catching up on early Bad Girls eps and reading a few fics. It has been a while since I visited this beloved fandom and I am totally enjoying the reconnect.

God I love Helen and Nikki, and I guess that is a good thing, because on August 26, 2010,(10:00pm EST) Mr. Pinot and I will be joining theholyinnocent as guests on allaine77's radio show, Femslash4Fans, with speshul guest host, fewthistle to discuss the wonders of Helen/Nikki and "Bad Girls".

Come spend some time on G-Wing with us or risk being put on Rule 43 and sent to the block...in strips.

Good Guests and "Bad Girls" - Authors Cabenson and Theholyinnocent, with co-host Fewthistle


Femslash4Fans continues its salute in August to British TV shows with a segment on the hugely successful series "Bad Girls". Set in, of all things, a women's prison, "Bad Girls" ran for eight seasons, but we'll be spending much of our time focusing on the first three. The storyline featuring the lesbian relationship between wrongly convicted cop-killer Nikki and prison warden Helen, which built gradually over Seasons 1-3 until its satisfying conclusion, remains one of the most popular and best-written canon pairings ever seen on television. I'll talk about Nikki/Helen, along with other canon and noncanon pairings from the entire run, with my two guests - creator of the definitive Nikki/Helen Manifesto, Cabenson; and longtime author Theholyinnocent, also known as Xena fanfic writer Vivian Darkbloom. This time joining me as co-host will be "Bad Girls" fan Fewthistle, who previously appeared on F4F as a guest on my "Guiding Light" episode.
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