Challenge #1 Secrets

Sep 14, 2006 22:20

I certainly didn't expect that many responses. Great stuff.

I've decided to make it a monthly challenge for now, so people will have time to finish their entries (yes, I'm a slacker). It can be stepped up to fortnightly in the future, if need be.

I'm leaving this challenge open to fan art of any kind, (including icons). For now, I won't create a separate topic for it. I can later if the current set-up poses a problem.

Challenge #1: Secrets

What did Helen really tell Sean after that suit stunt? Did anything x-rated happen in Helen's office between her and our Miss Wade? What's going on behind Pat's tough exterior? What is Sheena up to? What was Lou really doing at that club?

Secret service. Victoria's Secret. Now my secret love's no secret anymore*.

Is it a nice surprise or is someone being lied to?

Rewrite and remould. Here's a chance to explore all those little nooks and crannies.

Fics: No word limit.
Fanart: Can incorporate the text of the topic, or explore it loosely.

Challenge closes 14th October.

Anyone who writes Pat fic will get on enhanced. If I see Bodybag slash, however, you'll be down the block so fast your head will spin.

*See Cath, you have to contribute. I quoted Doris and everything

challenges, challenge1

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