Title: Finding That Prince Pairing: Di Barker/Natalie Buxton Words: 755 Rating: PG Spoilers: Set after the finale of series 7. Notes: Happy Birthday sparklebunny! Here's some Di love for you.
heh, thank you. I have another fic of this pairing somewhere that's a lot more cracktastic. Seriously, if you could stand watching it without Nikki/Helen the show lends itself to the most insane pairings (because it's such a damn melodrama). Damn purists, wreck my fun. I love Di/Natalie Buxton (she's like Shell Dockley v.2..or 3.)
Comments 2
Damn purists, wreck my fun. I love Di/Natalie Buxton (she's like Shell Dockley v.2..or 3.)
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