FANFIC: Clear the Area, Ch 4: Stay Now

Dec 25, 2013 20:13

Pairing: Dean/OFC
Characters: Dean, Sam, OFC, Castiel, Kevin
Rating: R
Chapter Word Count: 1,959
Total Word Count: 18,050  (Complete)
Genre: Romance/Humor
Summary: This is the story of you and Dean, and how he manages to slip past your defenses. Written so that you can put yourself in the OFC's shoes. Sorta set end of S8. AU in the fact that Dean, Sam, Castiel, Kevin, and YOU all live in the MOL Bunker; everyone is healthy, and Cas is still an adorably clueless angel with zero tact.  (Story title from appropriate Imogen Heap song.)
Author's Note: Not beta'd, any and all mistakes belong solely to me. This is the first Supernatural fanfic I've posted, so please let me know what you think! :)

A week passes. Every night, you go to bed alone, only to be woken by Dean slipping in beside you at some point after midnight.

You don't talk about it during the day. Hell, you don't talk about it during the night, either. But whatever this is, it's drama-free and amazing, so why mess with a good thing? True to his original drunken word, Dean never tries anything. It hasn't effected your friendship or dynamic working together as hunters, so hey - no harm, no foul, right?

Everything's fine.

Juuuust fine.

I mean, true, you do catch yourself staring at his lips more often now than you ever used to. You could have sworn it was never this difficult to resist that particular urge before... And he has kind of developed this habit of placing his large, warm hand on the small of your back when the other guys aren't around.

And, okay, he has been staying longer in the morning than he used to. He may have even taken a shower in your bathroom the other day and, as a result, you might have been subjected to a view of him wearing only a low-riding towel on his hips that caused your brain to temporarily malfunction.

You've sort of taken to leaving your hair down all the time, unless you're on a hunt. And he has kind of taken to brushing it back out of your face or running a hand over it when you're alone.

And yeah, okay, when you woke up with him yesterday, he did give you a gorgeous sleepy smile, a rumbling, "Mmm... G'morning..."and he may have started inching his face closer to yours as if the next logical step was a kiss.

But he caught himself.

It's fine.

You've totally got it all under control.

Dean is currently sleeping on his back, with you pulled against his side and an arm wrapped tightly around your shoulders. As if he needs to hold you in place. As if you're going anywhere. As if someone could pay you enough to make you get out of this bed.

Your head is resting on his chest as you drift in and out of sleep listening to his heartbeat. Your fingers are lazily running back and forth over the soft cotton of his t-shirt.

When you feel the shift in pressure around you, hear the familiar fluttering of wings and rustle of fabric behind you, you refuse to believe it. He can't really have come in here. Not after Dean talked to him so many times about this. And, more importantly, not while you're wrapped around Dean's side.

"Oh. I, um..." Castiel says nervously.

Your body goes rigid. Dean's muscles jerk as he startles awake.

"You have got to be shittin' me," Dean growls before he even opens his eyes.

"This is... 'awkward'... right?" Castiel asks you quietly, looking to you for confirmation when you glance over your shoulder at him.

"Yeah, Cas. This is definitely awkward," you assure.

He nods and you swear you catch him smiling to himself that he properly identified the discomfort.

"This is a bad time. I can see the two of you are..." He tries, but curiosity will always get the better of him. He abandons his efforts to make a swift escape in favor of trying to understand what it is he's seeing. "I was unaware that the two of you had started having relations."

You groan and hide your face against Dean's side. "We're not 'having relations', Cas. We're sleeping."

Beside you, it feels like Dean's ready to start shouting, but he's somehow managing to hold his tongue.

"I can see that you are not currently involved in the act of having relations. Obviously," Castiel replies.

You arch a brow. Was that sass? Did Cas just sass you?

"What I meant was that you have entered into a relationship of a sexual nature," he clarifies.

"Nope. Just sleeping," Dean replies sharply.

"In the same bed?"

"Sure as hell looks that way, doesn't it?" Dean snaps as he rubs the sleep from his eyes.

Hearing Dean's patience reaching an end, you roll over onto your back and look up at Cas. He meets your gaze imploringly, knowing that if he asks Dean anything else, he's liable to get kicked out.

"But... is it not strange for two adults to share a bed when they have no intention of engaging in intercourse?" He asks you, cocking his head to the side as he tries to comprehend.

"Dean's just..." You try, but trail off.

You're floundering here. You have no idea what the hell Dean's doing in your bed, to be perfectly honest, let alone how to describe it to the angel.

"I was having trouble sleeping," you offer lamely. "It helps to have him in here, is all."

Castiel purses his lips and squints as he considers this explanation.

"Mind telling me what you're doing popping into her room in the middle of the damned night again?" Dean demands.

You can't help but feel bad when Cas' face falls. It looks like someone just kicked his puppy.

"It was not my intention to arrive here," he says, keeping his eyes downcast.

Correction, he looks like the puppy who's just been kicked.

"I have new information regarding the demons you were searching for earlier this evening and wanted to alert you immediately," he explains. "I set out with the intention of reaching you, but I did not realize that I would find you here. I sincerely apologize for the intrusion."

He looks like he's half a step away from sticking out his bottom lip.

You pinch Dean's bicep.

"Ow!" Dean whines and glares down at you. Grudgingly, he sighs and looks over at Cas. "All right, fine. Just... don't do it again, got it?"

Castiel visibly brightens. He nods his agreement. "I will give my best effort to avoid a repeat of this situation."

"See that you do. So, what about the demons?" Dean asks.

"They will be meeting in Blackwater, Missouri."


"In three days."

Dean's jaw flexes impatiently.

"In three days?" He repeats.

"Correct." Castiel confirms, failing to see the problem.

You pat Dean's chest and smile at his effort not to completely lose his shit.

"All right. I guess we're hitting the road... in a couple days. Good work, Cas," Dean somehow manages with a forced smile.

The angel inclines his head graciously before teleporting back out of your room.

"Wow," you sigh.

"Yeah," Dean agrees.

"How long do you think it'll take before Sam and Kevin hear about this?"

"Couple hours, tops."

"Mmm-hmm," you agree. "Want a drink?"

"Read my mind."

A few minutes later, you're both sitting at the table in the main 'war-room' sipping scotch. The bunker is silent, so you know the instant Cas has managed to spill the beans. Evidently, you both gave him far too much credit for how long it would take.

Sam's door sounds like it's being ripped off the hinges and you can hear him stomping down the hall on gigantic bare feet.

"Here we go," Dean mutters with a smirk.

"Dean?!" Sam bellows furiously.

You try, God help you, you try not to laugh when he turns the corner and rushes into the room. Sam is shirtless and dressed in flannel pajama pants. His hair is wwaaayyy messier than yours was last week. He looks equal parts bewildered and angry.

And following along behind him is a very distressed angel.

"There you are!" Sam shouts when he sees you both. "Which one of you did it?" He demands.

"You're gonna have to be a bit more specific than that," Dean replies over his glass of scotch.

"Okay, fine." Sam grinds out through clenched teeth. "Which one of you told Cas that, if somebody is having a hard time sleeping, it's normal for him to climb into their bed and try to cuddle to 'help them sleep'?"

You and Dean both lose it.

And Sam's indignant bitch-face only makes it all the more difficult to stop laughing once you get started.

Kevin is up now, and tromps into the room looking half-asleep and thoroughly confused. "What is wrong with you people?" He whines as he flops down into one of the chairs. "Don't you know it's 3:30 in the morning?" He groans and lays his head on the table.

"I apologize for the confusion, Sam," Castiel offers repentantly. "I was simply offering to assist you in the same manner as Dean was assisting her."

Sam's bitch-face is gone in a heartbeat. His eyes widen in shock as he turns back to face you both.

Kevin sits up straight. "Whhaaatttt?" He cries in a high-pitched voice and laughs in amazement.

"Really, now?" Sam asks as a shit-eating grin spreads across his face. "So... Dean finally managed to... 'assist' you, did he?"

"Is that what kids are calling it these days?" Kevin teases.

You clear your throat and look up at Dean expectantly. He's the one who started hopping into your bed, after all. He can damned well explain it to them. You already handled Cas.

"All right. Settle down. It's not like that. We really were just sleeping," Dean says defensively.

"Sure, right, yeah," Sam says, nodding in mock agreement before shooting you a skeptical look. "Of course, 'just sleeping'."

Needless to say, they don't buy it.

But it doesn't change anything. When you head back to your room to grab another few hours of sleep, Dean still comes with you.

You can't help but wonder as you climb into bed what's going to happen now that it's out there. Now that the other guys are going to be poking and prodding for information from both of you.

This... whatever the hell this is... doesn't even have a name. It's comfortable and uncomplicated. And that's what makes it work. No pressure. No anything.

You hold on a little tighter this time when Dean curls himself around you. You realize that you're suddenly scared of losing the closeness you two have enjoyed. You grip a handful of his shirt - as if by hanging on, you can prevent this thing between you from slipping away. You close your eyes tightly against the fear.

But you tried so damned hard not to get your heart torn out over this gorgeous man. You set up rules and barriers. You kept your feelings in check for over a year while working beside him every. damned. day. But Dean still found a grey area and wheedled his way in. And now you don't know how you could ever let him go.

He pulls you closer, pressing his lips to your forehead and whispering simply, "We're okay," as if he can hear your growing doubts and fears.

A/N: What do you think? Do you want more? Is everybody in character? Can you see and hear it playing out as you read? Did you LOL over anything? Be sure to let me know! :)

fanfic: clear the area, fandom: supernatural, dean winchester

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