The Gerbil is reading Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut. He liked that a lot. I am currently reading Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins (I like that a lot) and Culture in Mind: Cognition, Culture and the Problem of Meaning by Bradd Shore. Sometimes we read to each other from Arctic Adventures by Peter Freuchen (who was a real live hero).
We have been watching a rather frustrating debate between rabid, arrogant Atheists and the "
Banana Design Squad" (insipid, arrogant Christians) on what Amanda Plummer called "the most provocative topic your 8th grade after-school debate club could come up with," namely: Does God exist? Surprisingly, no consensus was reached. The only conclusion I have been able to draw for myself is that if God does exist, she would do well to look for a new set of representatives on Earth.