Oct 08, 2012 12:00
- Sun, 19:16: I'm watching Once Upon a Time (9033 others checked-in) http://t.co/WfGuUwoh #GetGlue @ OnceABC
- Sun, 19:16: I unlocked the Once Upon a Time: We are Both sticker on #GetGlue! http://t.co/YQSaRMTD
- Sun, 20:24: I'm watching Revenge (6709 others checked-in) http://t.co/obNABlpL #GetGlue @ Revenge
- Sun, 20:24: I unlocked the Revenge: Resurrection sticker on #GetGlue! http://t.co/h6Ucr7zA
- Sun, 21:08: I'm watching 666 Park Avenue (5438 others checked-in) http://t.co/u8hXqrxc #GetGlue @ 666ParkAve_ABC
- Sun, 21:08: I unlocked the 666 Park Avenue: Murmurations sticker on #GetGlue! http://t.co/p93SvHWS
- Mon, 01:02: I'm watching Let's Pretend This Never Happened http://t.co/2nvTUn7B #GetGlue #LetsPretendThisNeverHappened
- Mon, 09:59: Okay @ getglue, I'm READING Let's Pretend This Never Happened. Although, I'd watch the shit out of a movie. @ TheBloggess