This may be a function of getting older, but I find myself with a decreasingly interest in politics and news. I used to be quite the news junkie - staying up late to watch the midnight rerun of the (then-)MacNeil-Lehrer NewsHour, following national politics and news, subscribing to The Economist and reading BBC news, among other sources.
Possibly because I am an unreconstructed social liberal, economically socialist in belief and persuasion, I've simply lost interest in much of the political narrative of the United States. It probably marks me as a curmudgeon, but the entire notion that we're still arguing over evolutionary theory, global warming, or a host of other issues, leaves me feeling...disconnected. It's not unlike being at a large family reunion, and seeing Crazy Uncle Billy holding forth yet again out in the yard, and deciding to find the punch bowl rather than going to listen to his latest rant.
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