Back from WisCon

May 28, 2009 08:26

Just a quick post, because trying to write about all of WisCon and everybody there would take longer than the convention itself. :)

In no particular order...
...the Cultural Appropriation 101 panel went well, at least as well as could be expected given that we had 75 minutes to teach at least a semester's worth of material.
...the Carl Brandon Society annual meeting went very well; got a lot done for the upcoming year. Additionally, the meeting with Clarion and Clarion West was a necessary and worthwhile update. And the Awards Jury get-together was really really good.
...the Interstitial Arts Foundation stuff also went well - twas good to meet new people and figure out stuff.

In all of this, I realized I had completely abdicated any sense of going to programming I wasn't on, simply because of how difficult it is to decide, most of the time. I also discovered that I wasn't as up on recent topics as I might have been in the past, so some of the panels seemed like a mystery to me.

Seeing friends was great, though I found myself getting to the end of the convention having missed some people entirely. :(
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