
Sep 23, 2010 23:48

Adric: So, this is N-Space?
Doctor: Yes, the old home universe. It's many times larger than anything you're used to.
Adric: All those stars.
Doctor: Yes.
Adric: Do you know them all?
Doctor: Well, just the interesting ones.
Adric: How can you tell which is which?
Doctor: Well, law of probability, that sort of thing, you know. Anyway, we're supposed to be on our way back to Gallifrey.
Adric: I don't see what the law of probability's got to do with it.
Doctor: No... what? Adric, I give you a privileged insight into the mystery of time, yes?
Adric: Yes.
Doctor: Opened your mind to adventures beyond imagining, yes?!
Adric: Yes.
Doctor: And you criticize my logic?
Adric: No. No, I'm just saying that a lot of the time you don't really make sense.
Doctor: Ah! Ah! Oh, you've noticed that, have you? Well, anybody can talk sense. As long as that's understood, you and I are going to get on splendidly.

Doctor: "Traken Union. Famous for its universal harmony". A whole Empire held together by...
Adric: By?
Doctor: Well, by people just being terribly nice to each other.
Adric: Well, that makes a change.

Doctor: Now, what seems to be the problem?
Adric: We've gone into orbit round one of the planets.
Doctor: I thought so.
Adric: Thought what?
Doctor: I thought you might appreciate it if I gave you the impression I knew what was happening. We could panic of course, but where would that get us?
Adric: What's happening?
Doctor: I don't know.
Adric: Well, you should know!
Doctor: Adric.
Adric: Well, you are a Time Lord, aren't you?
Doctor: Adric. If I knew everything that was going to happen, where would the fun be?

Keeper: I fear that our beloved world of Traken faces disaster.
Adric: *whispers* Universal harmony, you said.
Doctor: Shh.

Doctor: Ha, ha! Interesting stuff, isn't it?
Adric: If I could understand it.
Doctor: What?
Adric: Well, look, I read about something that's just happened.
Doctor: And?
Adric: Well, the next page says it didn't happen at all!
Doctor: So?
Adric: Over the page it says it did happen, but many years ago.
Doctor: Ah, yes. Well, I suppose it is a bit above your head. Mind you, they did say I had a very sophisticated prose style.
Adric: As for your handwriting... *frown*
Doctor: Handwriting? What about my handwriting!?
Adric: *charming grin* It's marvellous.

Doctor: Still, what can't be cured must be endured.
Adric: That's the silliest thing you've said yet.
Doctor: Then don't listen to me. I never do.

Adric: The Doctor calls it a reiterated invitation to deep-space alien intelligences.
Nyssa: And that's us!

Monarch: You grasp the theory of relativity?
Adric: Doesn't everyone?

Adric: Could anyone pass the sodium chloride, please?

Richard: What do we say if the door is opened?
Adric: 'Hello'?

Adric: Just explain what you're trying to do.
Doctor: We are under attack, Adric.
Adric: Well, tell me quickly!

Doctor: What is the square root of 3.69873?
Adric: About 1.92321.
[the Doctor enters it into the freighter's computer and 1.923208 appears on the monitor]
Berger: That's not possible!
Doctor: Oh, he's very good. And almost right.

Berger: That could take forever.
Adric: Then I suggest we start at once.
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