Aug 26, 2009 23:09
I miss Livejournal.
I feel that Livejournal was replaced with Myspace(which also replaced poor Friendster). Myspace reconnected you with old friends, introduced you to new friends, and kept you briefly in touch with people you met over a short vacation. Myspace made you feel special and popular by advertising how many people have viewed your profile, how many "friends" you have through an extended network, and seriously... the multiple and random friend requests wasn't bad either. The Myspace chats, photo albums, music players, and blogging... it quickly became my home page. Poor livejournal.
Now it's Facebook. Myspace lost it's charm and facebook got really interesting. Now you're finding former classmates from High School. Your best friend from the 1st grade that moved away in 5th grade and you lost touch with. Your distant relatives. Your teachers. Your professors. Your college roommates. Join groups. Become a fan of almost everything under the sun. And do it all while keeping your friends posted on your life with sentence... Jane Doe ______ Jane Doe is doing her laundry. With one sentence you've updated some 300 people- some that may include your next door neighbor from 1984-1988- on what's going on in your life.
We've gone from writing long, detailed entries about our day and writing your current mood out to summing it up in one simple sentence. Sometimes not even using words. Jane Doe feels listless is now Jane Doe is .............
Relationships also seem to be effected by Facebook.
I recently split up with someone and no matter how many times I told him it wasn't working out, verbally, it didn't sink in until I changed my relationship status on facebook. He *gasped*. Sent me a message on FACEBOOK and was heartbroken that I changed my status. I would have thought that my verbal "Go fuck yourself" outside the restaurant would have done the trick.
This was the same with when we started dating. He did not consider us to be in a committed relationship until the status was changed to " in a relationship". A modern relationship seems to be dictated by your status on Facebook. "hey, I changed my status today.... you should change yours too." And just that that, you're in a relationship.
Livejournal encourages creativity. Writing and then realizing just how horrible your grammar really is. Writing gets the mind going. Full sentences and paragraphs. Remember the paragraph?! Are our lives becoming so busy that all we have time for is a quick sentence?
I hope my friends start writing in LJ again.