edit styles (1)

Oct 23, 2001 14:56

since i hang around in LJ support, i kinda annoyed me that i had to skip all those questions about journal layout customization, because i have no clue about it.

at first i had no paid account, so i couldnt do any customization.
then i got a paid account. but i knew that S2 is just around the corner, so i thought it wont make sense to learn the old stuff.
but it looks as if it will still take a while until S2 is available.
so i better learn it now :-)
and learning my doing usually works best ..

so i created my own styles based on the "tabular indent" styles:
- lastn: #38056: badfritz-lastn-new
- friends: #38057: badfritz-friends-new
- calendar: #38058: badfritz-calendar-new
- day: #38059: badfritz-day-new
and made them public, so that i can view them in the style browser (http://www.livejournal.com/styles/browse/) and use them later in my old journal too.

hmm, the -new suffix seems not necessary, can i just cut it ?
yup i can. renaming done ...

hmm, the time format still is am/pm ...
i want Day, dd.mm.yyyy, hh.mm.
that means in the DATE_FORMAT i need "%%dayshort%%, %%dd%%.%%mm%%.%%yyyy%%, %%24hh%%:%%min%%."

the comment links should be like "read x comments or a write your own".

ok, that seems to work so far :-)

not as hard as i thought ...

now i need to apply that to the other views as well ..
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