The Return of The Son of A Telly Watching Fish

Oct 05, 2013 23:44

So what's new in the wonderful word of telly?

Well Dexter ended and the season finale was sooo bad, it was like a smudge of faeces on the lavatory seat that was season 8. Let's face it, Dexter stopped being decent 2 years ago and it never recovered.

I'd dropped Breaking Bad somewhere around S3 because I found it hard to watch a show with such an increasingly unlikable main character, but I was hearing so many good things I dutifully caught up in time to watch the season finale and let me tell you it was worth it, if only because the show mastered its grand exit, which is such a rare thing these days. Shows either get cancelled or drag on way too long, giving way to ludicrous story lines and preposterous endings (looking right at ya Lost.)

So yeah, Breaking Bad is a freakin' great show which will be remembered as a milestone of television history and it gives me warm fuzzies to know that "our Vince" is getting the recognition he deserves for the talent we glimpsed whenever he was in charge of X-F eps. I can't wait to see what he'll be doing next.

I'm half heartedly following Hell on Wheels' third season but it's really not the same since (not sure I got the hang of this spoiler feature so SPOILERS CAUTION!!!)[they got rid of two main characters,]

Scandal is back and as I say on the TV.Com website, this show is my blue meth. Thanks to Netflix, many people have discovered the show over the summer and realised it's so much more than the outrageous White House soap that "proper critics" wanted us to believe it was. I guess being a Shonda Rhimes show didn't do Scandal any favour. So yeah, it's not the Wire or the Sopranos or The West Wing or Breaking Bad, which doesn't mean it's crap and should be looked down upon.

The ratings for the S3 premiere went through the roof so it must be doing something right. So what is the fuss all about?
On the surface, Scandal is a show about two people who fall madly in love. The only problem being that he's married and running for president and she's the brilliant campaign "fixer" consultant telling him that in order to win he should be closer to his wife, so the public doesn't think he's in a dead marriage. The wife is an incredibly bright and ambitious emotional cripple and one of the most layered character I've had the pleasure to watch in a long time. So there you go for the soap. Now the interesting part is that this is first and foremost a feminist show about what it takes for women to evolve at the highest levels of power. It's about what all this power does to a person's soul and the length people will go to to maintain control of that power. I love scandal because the characters despite of all their prettiness and easy smiles are not nice people at all. Scandal is a wolf in soap's clothing. It's simply the show I'm the most excited about this fall. Nuff said.

Sleepy Hollow is fun and creepy. I'm not sure how much staying power it will have and I don't see it lasting more than a couple of season, but it's well acted and pretty to look at.

I've given up on Once Upon A Time. I can't get over how crap the last few episode of S2 were, it really put me off to continue watching.

Still distractedly watching The Big Bang Theory and Grey's Anatomy, out of habit more than anything else.

Marvel's Agent of SHIELD: well I wasn't expecting much which is good because I wasn't disappointed. The big budget and Whedon light script can't hide the fact that the characters are pretty bland and either annoying or uninteresting. It's good for the kiddies but for those who expected Firefly quality or  had hoped Whedon would do with the Marvel Universe what Battlestar Galactica did with the Sci Fi genre, you will in for a big shock. I think this is going to be the worse of Whedon's shows.

Watched one ep of The Crazy Ones, and not only it wasn't very funny but the nutrition nazi that I am found the use of McDonald as the firm's main advertising client offensive. So there. Poor Sarah Michelle Gellar, I don't think she's done a decent show since Buffy. And the least said about Robin Williams the better. I stopped finding him funny right after Good Morning Vietnam.

I'm saving Downton Abbey S4 to watch in one big swoop.

Everybody slagged off Homeland S2 but I really liked it! It's not my favourite show, it took me a while to warm up to it and yes, it does have its flaws but it is still emminently watchable especially now that Carrie is off her meds.

TV.Com has a newish "community" feature which is pretty cool and I'm spending quite a bit of time there mostly commenting on the staff reviews of the various shows I watch. Sofar I've mostly commented on Hell on Wheels and Agent of SHIELD if you're interested.

So what are you guys watching then? Anything I should try? I was thinking of having a go at The Good Wife. I watched the pilot years ago and never followed through. I know I should try Mad Men again, but I've tried to watch it twice already and it hasn't really grabbed me.

fall telly, once upon a time, dexter, hells on wheels, scandal, the crazy ones, sleepy hollow, downton abbey agents of shield, breaking bad, homeland

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