Telly Fish.

Mar 17, 2013 22:14

Watch Homeland. I gave it another go and it really deserves all the Emmys it got last year. Carrie is absolutely flawed and fabulous.

Anybody watching House of Cards? I hear good things.

Can't wait for Game of Thrones season 3. Diana Rigg plays the Queen of Thorns = fangirl heaven.

When the fuck is The Fall with GA airing?

"Vikings" on the history channel is not bad.

I've rewatched the entire Star Wars series. There's so much wood in the Phantom Menace I could build a wardrobe. As for the original Star Wars (which I will NEVER call A New Hope or episode VI even if the Spanish Inquisition questions me for a year.) I'd love to find a link to that fan remake, the one where a guy took the HD version and de-Lucas-crappified it to restore it as close to the original as possible, since Lucas won't let us have the films in their original versions without all the bells and whistles he added afterwards. Han shot first damnit!

The first two Star Wars movies are still as wonderful as I remembered, even with the unnecessary added special effect paloosa. The acting is light years away from the prequels. It's fun, it's got great dialogues, the Han/Leia ship is so hot! What a shame the franchise was so badly fucked up afterwards. Even the Ewoks are palatable after JarJar Binks.

Skyfall bored the crap out of me. I have no idea why this overblown self referential snooze fest
got the success it did. The villain was utterly ridiculous and so not scary. I'm done with you Mr. Bond, you failed to entertain me since Casino Royal.

Fans are chipping in for a kickstarter campaign to remake Veronica Mars? How cool is this? Whedon says he's too busy with Avengers to do the same with Firefly. Joss, you're an idiot. (Yup I fell asleep twice during the Avengers, I still don't know how it ends, and frankly I'm not interested to find out.) As for Nathan Fillon: Castle or Mal? I'll shoot the first one who hesitates. I mean, seriously?

I watch The Following, which has a good concept but is full of flaws and wants to be more clever than it can afford to be. TV Com thrashes it on a weekly basis and deservedly so. I keep hoping it will get better.

Zero Hour got cancelled after two eps. Shame, it sounded quite fun. It had Nazi demon babies. *pouts*

Once Upon a Time is still fabulous. This is one series that grows better and more complex with each passing episode. And God, I know I'm a total Tom boy but DID YOU SEE SNOW WHITE'S MOM RED DRESS? It was so gorgeous I nearly fainted.

I want to start watching the Vampire Diaries because I hear the storyline gets good. I watched two eps and it's as bad as watching Twilight. Can I skip and move to the good stuff? Where is the good stuff?

American Horror Story: Asylum was too creepy for words. Utterly bonkers but brilliant and unlike anything else on television.

Anything else good I'm not watching?

star wars, once upon a time, bond snooze fest, game of thrones, winter is coming, vikings, the following, han shot first, the fall, house of cards, vampire diaries, american horror story: asylum, veronica mars, homeland

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