And Now For a Little Levity...

Jan 21, 2011 14:49

Since 2011 seems to have been such  a Big Pile of New Year manure for so many of you lot,  I thought I'd share something that so_vieh rec'ed  which made me laugh out loud. It's very silly, completely OTT and I hope it will bring a smile on your faces.

With lines like " It's like having a chiffon based anaphylactic shock.", "Don't get emotional, we're not Spanish." "if you can't find a date for Tilly's wedding would you consider immigration?" or "...they jogged and actually enjoyed it, because they don't have flesh that moves independently to their main frame.." you can't go wrong really. The pilot is IMO  the weakest episode of the lot, so as Tilly would say: "Bear with."

Behold the utterly British BBC comedy goodness that is "Miranda".


zygomatic workout, bbc goodness, such fun, miranda

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