Jul 19, 2006 20:01
The beach was sick, and the waves were killer...literally. I got burried in the sand and got stuck. Crabs attacked and I couldn't get out :D While me and Nicole were gettin' icecream, Gina, Annmarie, &Diana got dragged out into the restricted ocean area. They tried swimming back for like 40 minutes, but they couldn't. Annmarie made it out, but Gina &Diana didn't. So 4 hawwwtttt, built lifeguards went out to get them. haha they did the BAYWATCH run! <3madlove. That caused a really big scene, practically everyone at the beach ran over to see what was going on. I yelled at them that they should have stopped breathing so they could get mouth to mouth. I also saw Dougieee :] Now I have really bad sunburn all over and it stings like a bitch. Gina's coming over and we're gonna' watch Aquamarine &Sleepover. tata for now