Title: Gentle Touch
Fandom: POTC
A friend of mine linked me to this, and apparently the summary has already been sporked. However, upon reading the whole fic, I knew that this would have to be my first spork. Let the games begin.
A/N Kinnda ignore the first bit, I just wanted to get to the rape.
Oh, how sweet. Can I just totally ignore the whole fic? No? Fine.
Will woke from his beating. He looked around violently for Elizabeth, but he couldn’t see her.
How does one look around violently?
So then basically Will gets raped by some creepy pirate dude, and apparently passes out or something. Oh, and it switches to Will's POV.
I fluttered open my eyes like a pretty butterfly. Leaning over me was a young girl. She had her chestnut brown hair in a bun, just like Elizabeth always did, with ringlets falling from it. She had the most beautiful sapphire eyes I’d ever seen.
You know her name is ACTUALLY Mary? At least she's got eyes instead of orbs, though.
I looked down to see I was wearing nothing, but thankfully I had a warm blanket on me.
Wait...were you wearing nothing, or were you wearing a blanket?
She sat up straighter, and then helped me sit up. I bit my lip to stop a scream of pain, bit all the way through, and bled to death but she saw it. Concern and pain flashed across her eyes.
I am imagining that words someone went across her eyes like a sort of bizarre marquee.
I couldn’t help it; I winced as her hand neared me. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you, I was just going to touch your hair,” she said, pain and sorrow in her young eyes.
But her old eyes were perfectly happy.
I looked at her again as she got up and walked over to a jog and bowl. She couldn’t be any older then 13.
But I didn't know that minors could go to Jog n' Bowls. Bowling after a brisk jog...you have to get a licence.
“What are you doing on a pirate ship?” I finally asked, she didn’t look like one of those girls.
Ah, well, that would explain it. If she's one of those girls it's no wonder she's running off and gallivanting at Jog n' Bowls.
She looked over to me, a small smile gracing her lips. “I’m the caption’s daughter; I’m his one treasure that he’ll never give away.”
Whoa whoa...does that mean she's like...the daughter of the "Curse of the Black Pearl" or "Whatever the Third Movie's Stupid Caption Was" or "Damn, We Just Keep Making These Silly Yet Wonderful Pirate Movies, Don't We?" (That last one, of course, can be shorted to POTC:DWJKMTSYWPMDW)
My eyes grew wide, fear flashed threw me. Was she only nursing me so I won’t die the next time they try something? She must have seen how alarmed I looked, and why because she rushed to my bed side and pushed me back into a sitting position. She was! Now I was alarmed.
Um, growing eyes? That's probably not good; might want to get that checked. Also, wasn't he already in a sitting position? Or did I miss something?
My name is Mary by the way,” she said with a sad smile as she lifted the rag to my face. She started wiping away the blood and dirt from my face.
Wow, a Mary-Sue who is actually named Mary.
*snip* So basically, Will was sold as a slave to Mary's father, DWJKMTSYWPMDW, and he's really actually a nice guy, and he didn't mean for Will to get raped. See, he just sort of...left him on the deck, all tied up, and it just...sort of...happened. Anyways. Moving on, now in Mary's POV.
I got out of bed, my white nightgown swished back and forth as I walked to the door. *snip* I unlocked the lock (I didn’t really need one, but you never know with a bunch of men on board that have no women, so no sex). Then I pulled it open.
But apparently they have sex with random dudes who get bought as slaves.
He turned and saw me, then he punched the man in the head, knocking him out. He walked over to me. “It ain’t what it look like milady,” he said to me.
Well, from the main description, it looks like some sort of bizarre fight, so saying that actually seems to incriminate him more.
*cut for her calling for her dad, and dudez gettin' yelled at 'n stuff*
“Father, lay him in my room. I can nurse him till we port. He needs a soft bed to sleep in and a safe environment that only a women can give,” I said to him, leaving little room for him to argue.
Only a woman can give, huh? *smirk* So she IS one of those girls.
He looked up at me, so lost, so sad, but there was a small sparkle of hope in his perfect eyes.
Back to the present, I see. For once, Will is vaguely IC. Like a sort of kicked puppy.
*they take Will to the doctor, he's not got any weird STD's (Elizabeth must be happy) and then somehow Mary has managed to get ahold of Elizabeth and so she and Will have a happy little reunion*
She swept over to him, throwing her arms around him.
In his absence she became a traveling housecleaner.
My smile faltered a bit. I was happy that he was back with his loved one, but that meant she’d take him home with her. I knew it was a stupid thing to do, yet I’d done it. I knew it was against the pirates to do it, yet I had. The one thing my father had forbidden me to do, yet I’d done it. What did I do that was so terrible? I’d fallen in love. My father always told me to never fall in love, because when you lead the life of a pirate, you never stay in one place for long and your heart gets broken. The one thing I’d promised never to do… I’d done.
I fell and got my heart broken by Will Turner.
Hehehhe, she did it. With a boy..
*and now we go back to Will's POV*
I had what I wanted, Elizabeth Swann in my arms as she kissed my face.
BAD ELIZABETH. Kiss the lips, not just random bits of his face! "Darling, that's my nostril."
So why did this feel wrong? As much as I’d like to blame this feeling on the rape, I couldn’t, because it wasn’t.
It's probably because she's kissing your nostril, man.
I wanted someone else. I missed her. I missed her chestnut hair. I missed her sapphire eyes that always held noting but love or worry for me. I missed her white sand skin. I missed her soft had against my cheek. But most of all, I miss her gentle touch.
Her eyes noted how much they loved him? And ew, sand skin does not sound nice. Is she coated in a layer of sandpaper or something?
She wasn’t like most pirate girl’s I’d seen. She wore the same types of royal dresses as Elizabeth, but she still had the experience to understand him, and she had the sweet smell of adventure on her. She did everything the proper way. She was the kind that would ride a horse side saddle in war, yet, still mange to fight as if riding astride.
She was amazing and beautiful. Yet, I’d done something you were never suppose to do. I’d fallen in love with a pirate princess.
Practically perfect in every way. Yep, she's the iconic sue.
And that's about the whole fic. There's some silly sentimentality at the end, but frankly, I can't handle any more of this thing. Over and out, yo.