Harry Potter and the Moon SpiritA moon spirit must be protected. a young girl is put in the middle. Will Harry find love and destroy this new threat? Or will chaos consume the world? HarryxKagome Harry Potter/Inuyasha xover.
Hai gaise. I haven't sporked some fic in a loooong time. :D
Heads up, the format of these sentences are copy-pasted. So any weird line breaks are the author's sole fault.
a/n: ok this is my first try at a Harry Potter fanfic so please be nice. I will try my best at it… but I warn you, I’m way better at anime fics. So correct me if I have any wrong info for Harry Potter. I know I’m pretty damn stupid, I only watch the movies…
O yah, kidz, we're in for some definite canon.
Harry was currently sitting on his bed thinking of Hogwarts… when something shot
through his window.
Harry, in an attempt to run from Lord Voldemort, moved to the Bronx. Clearly this was a wrong step on his part.
What she says: “What a beautiful morning.” Kagome said to herself.
What I'd say: "Shit! WHY the fuck am I awake!? Cocksucking motherfucker birdssss." D:<
As she continued to stare at the image, she noticed a giant dog jump and be laminated from
the full moon. Kagome gasped in awe, the image was absolutely stunning.
I'd be stunned too if that happened, I mean, I could get all my prints done this way, dirt cheap.
Ok guys like I said… this is my first try at a Harry Potter fanfic, so bare with me.
Alright, but to tell you the truth, I bite. Hard.
Oh wait; there
was a list along with the letter!Kagome dug through her stuff and found the letter; it
somehow had already gotten lost.
Letter!Kagome, it's what all the kids want for Christmas. (Letter Opener!Inuyasha not included.)
“Yup! Listen to this message and tell me what you make of it.” Harry said taking the bundle and putting it in front of Ron.
All of a sudden, fireworks flew everywhere! (It did that when Harry first opened it, btw.)
...I'm sure it only shoots fireworks once. I mean, it'd be a little redundant to keep doing that every time you opened it. Next it'll start spouting half-assed fireworks, then ending in a spluttering cough that is it's final, dying breath. Kind of sad when you think about it.
“You to have a special assignment. Dumbledore has requested your presence as of now.” And with that said… Fred and George were transported to Dumbledore’s office with the snap of a finger.
This makes my canon-reflex twitch. Bai the wai, to whom did that finger belong to? It could have been anybody's. O IT'S PERCY'S LOL.
--Dumbledore’s Office--/&\
Fred and George appeared in a puff of purple smoke.
How fitting.
It had taken an hour for the twins to process the new information.
“So we have to go and pick up some Japanese girl and bring her to Diagon Alley.” Fred asked.
(a/n: no offense to any Japanese people reading this.)
Just by reading that, I hope every Japanese person reading this English fanfiction got offended by that.
‘Damn! Where in all seven hells am I gonna find this stuff?’ just then her prayers were answered and she heard a honk outside her window.
Kagome...has a different kind of god, don't you Kagome?
(a/n: and yes I know… the car died in a way during the second book and by the way… they are supposed to be in fifth year.)
...Then please, answer me this. Why is Percy still a student at Hogwarts?
A red headed man said, but he looked to be more like a seventeen year old than an actual man.
This confirms my theory that teenagers are not human beings.
When he heard his name, George turned to look at Kagome.
He regretted it short after.
‘Damn… she’s fuckin hot!’ he thought looking away again.
...................Kagome. KAGOME. KAGOME. Fine, whatever makes your flag fly...
“Hey guys… do you think I could tell my friends I won’t be back for a year?” Kagome asked in the nicest voice she could muster.
“Sure Kags. But make it fast.” George said.
You know, she has a twin named Kegs. Combine them, we could have quite the party.
Okay, that's enough. Srsly.