Answer as many parts as you want in any order you want. You can leave questions blank, have your character dance around them, or force them to answer honestly. Whatever you want. This isn't to be done all at once. You would probably die if you did so.
cut for space )
1. Give a two or three word description of yourself. Worlds runner up.
2. Do you have any nicknames, titles, or aliases? Mello and M
3. What is your full birth name? If it's different, what's your name now? I don't tell people my real name. Legally, my name hasn't changed. I don't think. That bastard Wammy may have changed it when he took me in. ((OOC: His real name is Mihael Keehl))
4a. Where do you live? In this fucking place
4b.Why do you live there? Because the Author dragged me, why the fuck else?
5a. What is your most obvious blessing or strength? I'm smart, obscenely smart, so far beyond average intelligence you probably can't even fucking imagine it. I'm also good looking, an incredible dresser, and a sharpshooter.
5b. What do you perceive as your greatest strength? Didn't I just say?
6a.What is your most obvious flaw or weakness? Or what do you perceive as your greatest weakness? I will never be the best.
6b.Was there any event or cause to cause these weaknesses? Dumb luck, or lack of it. I was born second best and I'll die second best.
7. What would you like to be remembered for after your death? I won't be. The only people who ever cared about me are dead. That fucking twit Near is the only person who will remember me and I know damned well he won't.
8. What kind of threat do you present to the public, if any? The most obvious threat? I'm a crazy looking scarred borderline psychotic with a motherfucking gun.
9. If your features were to be destroyed beyond recognition, is there any other way of identifying your body? I would say dental records, but those are in Wammy's House and thus impossible to find. Or they may have been destroyed when Wammy died. After that I've only been to the dentist...three times? And I had Matt erase that data.
10. Do you get sick often? No.
11. As a character, if you could, what advice would you give your player? Speak as if he/she were sitting right here in front of you. Only gonna say one thing, stop doing it. It's creeping me out and you need a life. Seriously.
12a.How old are you? 20
12b. Do you look your age? No. The scar changes it, no one knows how old I am because of this thing. All they see is a goddamn scar.
13a. What is your gender? Male.
13b. Do people ever mistake you for the other gender? No. Suck my dick if you think otherwise.
14a. What is your species/race? Human
14b. Are your looks typical thereof? Yes.
15a.How tall are you? 5'6" shut the Hell up.
15b.How much do you weigh? 124 pounds
15c. What is your general body type? Skinny, obviously. Petite, I'd say if I wanted to sound like a goddamn faggot.
16. What is your skin colour? White. Beyond white.
17a. What is your hair colour? Blond
17b. What is your hair style? Shoulder length, choppy, layered
18a. Do you have any facial hair? What is it? (mustache, beard, goatee, etc.) No.
18b. If not, have you ever? Nope.
18c. If so, how long have you had it? Not going to even bother with this.
19. What is your eye colour? Blue
20. How attractive are you? Fairly. I used to be far fucking more attractive before I blew half my goddamn face off.
21a. What is your most distinguishing feature? The scar.
21b. Do you have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks? Do I have a scar? What the Hell do you think this is? A fucking stain?! Yeah, I got a motherfucking scar! And I also have a tattoo. A cross on my back with my favorite bible passage under it. ((OOC: like this and this))
21c. If so, how did you acquire them? The scar is from a fucking explosion and the tattoo is from a needle.
21d. What do these distinguishing marks look like? Didn't I just say?! I am not wasting my time repeating myself.
21e. Do they have any special significance? I didn't choose to have the scar. So yeah, it's got significance in that it changes the way I look for the rest of my fucking life against my goddamn will AND it fucked up my shoulder pretty bad. I got the tattoo when I was in the Mafia, they thought it was to prove I was tough it was really a reminder to myself. Why I was there, justice.
21f. Where are they located? Scar goes down the left side of my body, tattoo is on my back.
22. What is your handedness (left/right)? ambidextrous.
23. Do you resemble someone else? No one I know. And even if I did unless they were in a matching explosion at exactly the same time I don't anymore.
24a. What kind of clothing do you wear? Fashionable clothes. Lots of black leather, most of it's custom made.
24b. Do you ever wear a uniform? No. Not since I left Wammy's House.
25c. What is your clothing's style or level of sophistication? Extremely high.
26a. Do you wear makeup? No. Unless you count nail polish.
26b. Why/why not? Because I like the way it looks, especially with my clothes and manicure/pedicures feel almost fucking orgasmic.
26c. What kind/where? nail polish on my goddamn nails. And if it doesn't count, which it shouldn't, I don't wear make up because I'm not a goddamn woman.
27. Do you wear glasses/contacts? No, I have perfect vision.
28. What do you sound like? I don't fucking know. low, rough, masculine?
29a. Where is your homeland? Homeland? What is this Dungeons and Dragons? Are you fucking fifteen? I'm from Germany.
29b. What are its people like? ...German.
29c. Are you aware of its history? Yeah, I'm aware of most of the world's history.
29d. How do you view the heroes/legends of your country? I don't take a lot of stock in legends unless I think the heroes actually deserve their status.
30. Are you patriotic or a social outcast? I've spent a total of five fucking years in Germany, I don't have a real opinion.
31. What are your opinion of home? I don't have a real home.
32a. Where is your home town? (By the ocean, in the mountains, etc.) I lived in Munich as a kid, but I barely remember it.
32b. What is your home town's name? Munich.
32c. What was the area like and how did it affect you? (small town in the middle of nowhere, big city, etc.) It's a city and I barely spent any time there, so I don't think it affects me. Wammy's is in Winchester but it might as well be another goddamn planet for all the outside contact I got.
33a. Did you witness any historical events? Heh, I caused one. I kidnapped Kiyomi Takada helping end of the Kira case.
33b. If so, how did that event impact you? I'm pretty sure it killed me.
34a. Are your real motivations different from what you tell others? No. Not anymore. I used to lie about my motivations when I was in the mob. But that horrific chapter's behind me, thank God.
34b. If so, how might such secrets be revealed? ...Yeah, I'm ignoring this.
34c. How far would you go to keep such secrets from being revealed?
34d. What would you do if the truth became known?
34e. What do you fear would occur if the truth became known?
35a. Are you particularly graced (or cursed) with particular traits or skills? Cursed with skills? What the Hell is this bullshit? You have to be a fucking thirteen year old girl with a Tolkien-Elf fetish. I'm proficient in firearm combat, I can use knives, I can hold my own in hand-to-hand combat, I'm profoundly intelligent, I'm a damned good dresser, I'm a detective, I can build explosives, I can plan well. Shit, I don't know there are probably others.
35b. If so, were these a result of your past? ...what the fuck does that even mean?!
35c. How have these affected your life so far? I'm able to do the things those skills allow me to do.
35d. Did you affect you in your chosen profession? Yeah, most of it makes me a better detective.
36a. What about your race, growing up were you in the majority or a minority? I'm white, I grew up in England, so the majority.
36b. How were you treated by other nearby races? Nearby? Seriously, you need to stop with this fantasy novel trash. I didn't live in a society of whiteies in the middle of the forest. I live in an integrated society.
36c. Were you persecuted for your race? I'm white. When have white men done anything besides persecute people?
36d. Did this impact your outlook in any way? No. Actually, probably, but because I don't see how it has is how it has. I don't have to think about my race because white men rule the world.
36e. Did it affect your personality? No.
36f. How do you feel about other races? Seriously?! What do I look like a fucking Nazi?! ...Don't answer that. Do NOT fucking answer that. I don't have any goddamn preconceived notions.
37. Have you ever moved? Yeah. A lot.
38a. What was childhood like for you? Didn't have much of one, it was mostly studying my ass off.
38b. Were there any traumatic experiences in your early years (death of a family member, abandonment, orphaned at an early age, etc.)? (Early years: between the ages of one and ten) Well, I recently learned my drug addict father dumped me before I was a year old because he didn't know how to take care of me after my drug addict mother O.D.ed. And then after that I was shipped off to England to be treated like a goddamn toy by a brittle geriatric bastard who was trying to make an army of fucking detectives.
38c. Was it calm and peaceful or turbulent and traumatic? You don't even hear me, do you? Fuck, I guess I'm gonna have so say somewhere in between.
39. Briefly describe a defining moment in your childhood and how it influenced your life. When I got picked to be M, probably. After that...everything else had to happen.
40a. Did you have any childhood friends? After I came to England? I had lots of friends, well a few of them. I was pretty social as a kid. But the only one that ever really mattered was Matt.
40b. If so, who and where are they now? I don't know, Wammy Kids never end up well. We're too smart for the real world and the ones who aren't trained to be L just get tossed back into the world where, like I said, they're too damn smart for their own good then they get bored, and end up either committing suicide or in trying to find some way to cope with being too damn smart end up accidentally killing themselves when they try to cope with the pressure. Or they somehow drift through life behind the scenes. But no Wammy Kid ever ends up happy.
40c. Are you still close to them or have you grown apart? The only one I'm still close to is Matt.
41. What stupid things did you do when you were younger? Oh let's see, Matt and I fooled around in the bushes behind the science wing when we were 12, I blew off Matt's eyebrow when I set off my first time bomb, I stole porn from a couple of the older kids, I accidentally got Matt addicted to nicotine (although there's nothing hotter than a smoker so, really, no loss.) Kids lives are filled with stupid things, I wasn't special.
42a. Which toys from your childhood have you kept (if any)? None because I'm a fucking adult.
42b. What do they mean to you? Nothing, obviously.
42c. If you didn't keep any, why not? What did you do to them all? Because I'm a motherfucking adult!
43. Do you have any deep, dark secrets in the past that may come back to haunt you? If I did, why would I tell you.
44. What conflicts might arise from your past? Same as above.
45. Are you who you claim to be? Yes.
46. Do you have any sort of criminal record? Never got caught.
Oh this should be interesting and by interesting I mean GODDAMN ANNOYING.
47a. Who were your parents? Two anonymous drug addicts
47b. Were you raised by them? Obviously not.
47c. If not, then why didn't they and who did raise you? According to that letter? My father didn't know what to do after my mother died so he dumped me. Luckily he managed to find an orphanage to leave me in. But the nuns who ran St. Jerome Emiliani's didn't raise me either, not for long. At four I got shipped off to Wammy's House where I grew up. But I wouldn't say anyone there raised me, I raised myself.
48. What is your father's full name? What is your mother's full name? I have no idea.
49. What did your parents and/or foster parents do for a living? Again, no idea.
50. What was their standing in the community? My parents were most likely viewed as scum, being drifter drug addicts they probably deserved it. I didn't have foster parents.
51. Did your family stay in one area or move around a lot? I moved from Germany to England. I stayed in England until I was almost fifteen.
52. How did you get along with your parents? I never knew them.
53. How would your parents describe you? They never knew me.
54a. Do you have any siblings? Nope
54b. If so how many and what were their names?
54c. What was your birth position in the family (i.e.last born, only child, etc.)? Only child.
54d. How did you get along with your siblings?
55. What was your family life like? I didn't have one, why are you not getting this?
56a. Are any or all of your family still alive? No. Maybe. Actually, they damn well could be. But they aren't in my life so they might as well be dead for all the difference they make.
56b. If so, do you know where they are now? If so, where are they? Fuck off.
56c. Do you stay in touch with them or have you become estranged? I was born estranged.
57a. Do you love or hate one member of the family in particular? I. Don't. Have. A. Fucking. Family. Jesus Christ!
57b. If so how/why are they special to you (perhaps, as a confidant, mentor, or arch-rival)? Go to Hell.
58a. Are there any black (or white) sheep in the family (including you)? No idea, although given the shit I've done unless I'm actually related to Judas, I think I'm probably the blackest sheep my family'll ever have.
58b. If so, who are they and how did they "gain" the position? Oh for fuck's sake. Well, if it is me, I did what I had to do and I don't want to talk about it.
58c. If this person is not you, then how do you feel about them? If they topped me they did some pretty incredible shit.
59. Does your family still live where you grew up? No.
60a. Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? No idea.
60b. If so, what did this person do to become famous or infamous? Just fucking stop.
60c. What do people assume about you once your ancestry is revealed? Nothing, the world isn't a paperback fantasy novel grow up and get over it.
60d. Do you try to live up to the reputation of their ancestor, try to live it down, or ignore it? Because there isn't a reputation? I'm going to say ignore it.
61a. Have you begun your own family? No.
61b. If not, do you ever want to have a family of your own someday? No.
61c. If so, with who or what type of person? I don't want a family, I hate kids. And I don't want to "settle down" because that's just a goddamn nice way to say "giving up."
62. What type of person would be your ideal mate? I hate that phrase, "ideal mate," like I'm a goddamn show dog or something.
63a. Do you have any close friends? One. Maybe two.
63b. If so, who and/or what are they like? Matt and he's none of your business. ((OOC: The other would be L and Mello thinks he is absolutely none of your business))
63c. What is the history of their relationship(s) with you? I've know him since I was seven and we've been friends ever since then.
64a. Do you currently have a best friend whom you would protect with your reputation or your life? Matt.
64b. If so, who are they and what caused you to feel so close to them? He's Matt, that's all he has to be.
64c. What would have to happen for you to end this relationship? Nothing could change how I feel about him.
65a. Do you have any bitter enemies? I don't want to fucking talk about it.
65b. If so, who are they, what are they like, and how did your feud start/escalate? I said I didn't want to fucking talk about it!
65c. Have you defeated them before? No. And I never will.
65d. How might these enemies seek to discomfit you in the future? He doesn't care about how I feel, he just wants to win. He doesn't give a shit about how anyone feels! All he wants is to win, he doesn't care about people, he doesn't care about justice, he doesn't care about what's right, he doesn't even fucking get involved!
66a. What valuable or important contacts do you have? Why would I tell you?
66b. How did you come to know them? None of your business.
67. Which person(s) or group(s) are you most loyal to? I'm loyal to God and to justice. Beyond that it's insignificant. No matter how much it feels otherwise. I can't let relationships get in the way of what really matters.
68. List any past serious relationships that you have had. Serious? So beyond just fucking them, I'm guessing? One, Matt.
69. How do you think others generally perceive you? As a hardass, a fag, a psycho, an asshole, all kinds of not-so-nice words, and, hopefully, a detective.
70. Who is your most trusted ally? Matt
71. Are you very trusting? Or are you skeptical? How would one gain your trust? I don't trust anyone. And they don't. ((OOC: He trusts Matt and L))
72. Who do you despise and why? A lot of people. Because they deserve it.
73. Name five things you hate in others. acting cutesy, stupidity, people who abuse other people for fun or profit, immaturity, people who can't take damn orders, people who ask too many damn questions, fuck, I hate most people.
74a. Do people see you in similar ways? Yeah, as an asshole.
74b. Do you deliberately present yourself differently in different situations, and how? Of course, it's a tactic.
75a. What would you die for? Justice
75b. For whom would you die? Matt
76. Who do you turn to when you're in trouble? God
77. What is the worst thing someone has done to you? I've cost myself salvation, but I had to do it. I don't let other people control my life, I only have myself to blame. And, like I said, I did what I had to do.
78. What are your general reaction to an attractive member of the opposite sex who lets you know they are available? What about the same sex? I really don't give two shits about what women think about me. And at this point, I don't really care about what men do either, I've got other things to worry about.
79. Have you lost any loves? No. Well. Yeah, in my timeline at least.
80. Who would miss you, should you go missing? No one's left to in reality. Here, I've got Matt and L.
81. Who might protect you? Matt, but I'm a big boy and can take care of myself.
82. Who might be convinced to sell you out? I don't tell those people anything they could sell.
83a. How close are you to your friends? Most relationships are pretty surface, the only exception is Matt. And I we're pretty damn close.
83b. What do they know about you? I'm not close to you.
83c. What do they not know about you? See above.
83d. What do you know and not know about them? None of your business.
84. Do you live with anyone (housemates, roommates, relatives, friends, near-strangers, family friend, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover)? Matt and I share a room, we pretty much have since we were kids.
85a. What is your current status with local law-enforcement? I work with him.
85b. Do you have a record of cooperation or non-cooperation with authorities? Not a record.
85c. Do you have a file with local, national or international law enforcement? No, I'm pretty much invisible.
86. What was (or is) your primary profession? Detective.
87. Where and how were you educated? I was trained at Wammy's House.
88a. Who trained you? Quillish Wammy, or at least his model. Most of it was actually done by Roger, his boot licking bitch.
88b. What was your relationship with your teacher(s)/mentor(s)? I hated his guts. My mentor wasn't Wammy, it was L. And I'm one of the only people L ever spoke to as L.
88c. How did you happen across this teacher or mentor? He chose me.
88d. Was your mentor kind, stern, cruel, indifferent?'s hard to explain. Growing up L wasn't really a person, he was a force. He was also a goal. We wanted to be L, we wanted to be better than him, we wanted to succeed him and we wanted to crush him. L never spoke to us, we never saw his face, but we saw his handiwork and we heard about it constantly. L is, was, always will be, synonymous with justice.
89. Is this person or institution still in existence? Wammy's House still exists, if they follow Wammy's plans I'm sure it always will.
90a. Were you forced into your profession by parents or peers? By the time I was conscious of it my fate had already been chosen and I'd been spoon fed the doctrine for so fucking long I actually wanted it. I don't wish it was different, I really don't, maybe that's my programming or maybe it's because however twisted Wammy was he got one thing right. Justice is what matters most in the world.
90b. If so, what did you want to be? I don't think I had much of an understanding of future employment at four.
90c. If they did not, how do your relatives and friends view your present occupation? They don't exist, or they're Matt in which case they're in the same boat.
90d. Did circumstances dictate your choice of profession? Yes, I've already been through this.
91. Were you a prize student or did you just barely pass? Second best. Always.
92a. What unusual skills do you have? Jesus fucking Christ, I did this like ninety questions ago! Just go back and review my answers because I am not repeating myself.
92b. How did you learn them? Most of them are self taught.
93. Have you ever done anything else for a living? No, never could, never would.
94. Are you a good fighter? Can you fight? Hell yeah I can. I can kick ass.
95a. Have you ever received any awards or honours? Second place doesn't count as an honor.
95b. What have you done that was considered "outstanding" in your occupation by others in your field? No.
96. What are your long-term goals? At this point? None. The Author kind of picked me out of the end.
97. Is there anything that you don't currently know how to do that you wish you could? It's a bit late for that.
98. Do you admire others who can do such things? No.
99. Are you sullen and morose about it? Fuck off. I'm sullen and morose about more important things.
100. Are you learning how to do it? Or have you given up? Go. Fuck. Yourself.
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