1st Horror || Heather Morris [Accidental Video]

Jun 05, 2010 00:37

[The feed cuts in on an empty room. It looks like a female teenager's bedroom, although its occupant is clearly not present. In the wall by the door is a hole. Several hours earlier, if one was around room 039, he or she might have been able to hear a frustrated scream and the blow at the wall that resulted in the hole ( Read more... )

comment: eddie riggs, comment: mello, heather morris

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[Video] kingroadie June 5 2010, 04:41:28 UTC
You doing alright?

Sides the whole kickin' the walls ass thing that is.


[Video] hell_is_silent June 5 2010, 05:42:21 UTC

[What the fuck was--?! She stands and whirls, sees the Blackberry lying on her bed, and the dude has appeared on it. She stalks over, glaring.]

Who the hell are you?!


[Video] kingroadie June 5 2010, 05:52:32 UTC
[Eddie gives a blink at the shout, before reasoning he wasn't exactly expecting to be dropped in this place himself. The glaring surprises him some though.]

I'm Eddie. Uh, nice to meet ya?

An like I said earlier, you alright?


[Video] hell_is_silent June 5 2010, 15:40:49 UTC
Eddie. Do you live here? Did you bring me here?!

[Moar angry glaring. Sorry, dude, she thinks you're in league with Claudia or Vincent and part of a crazy cult. D:]


Re: [Video] kingroadie June 5 2010, 20:44:27 UTC
No on both counts. I woke up here yesterday. Everyone here more or less woke up here without wanting to be here.

[He's calmly explaining what he does know.]


[Video] hell_is_silent June 5 2010, 21:27:29 UTC
[That'll soften her expression a little, but she's still wary.] Okay, wait. Who's everyone? How many of us are there? Have you guys been able to find a way out?


[Video] kingroadie June 5 2010, 21:38:29 UTC
[Eddie gets that, for now he's explaining what he does know.] Everyone, from the looks of it, a lot of guys and one other woman. I'm not sure of just how many people are here, so far I've only met about four people or so.

I'm working on getting through the forest in the back, that might be a way out if I can knock the trees down.


[Video] hell_is_silent June 5 2010, 22:33:31 UTC
... Weird. That's really weird.

[But he genuinely doesn't seem to know any more than he's letting on, so he's off the hook for the time being. ... Except that last part. She cocks an eyebrow.]

Wait, knock them down? What are you, Daniel Boone or something?


[Video] kingroadie June 5 2010, 22:41:27 UTC
You're telling me, I was fighting some weird shit and I woke up here.

[Okay the Daniel Boone comment earned an amused sound.]

Well, I do have an axe- but apparently no way to get over the walls and the forest looks like the best way outta this fancy hole.


Re: [Video] hell_is_silent June 5 2010, 22:48:29 UTC
What kind of weird shit? [What a coincidence, so was she!]

But wait. Why chop them down? Wouldn't going through them be easier? Or do they form some sort of impenetrable tree fence? [There's a tad bit of amusement to her voice now, too.]


[Video] kingroadie June 5 2010, 23:09:56 UTC
Weird- zombie like things. Walking heads, weird guys that puked up rats, and a lot of blue colored dudes with shovels. Said shovels hurt like hell when they hit you with em. [Weird shit buddy powers activate!]

Tree fence more or less, along with being dark as hell in there. [Eddie wrinkles his nose some, probably tossing a casual narrow of his eyes back at the trees. HES WATCHING YOU TREES.] So far I wandered around in there, everything went dark as hell if I tried to go a few feet past the tree lines entrance.


[Video] hell_is_silent June 5 2010, 23:50:41 UTC
... W-wait. Zombie-like things? Where was this? [If he says Silent Hill, well... maybe Eddie's made a friend. Hard to say yet.]

Yeah, that's creepy. I just walked around and couldn't find a way out, either. And now the wall... [She swallows hard.] I dunno, there's something really wrong with this place.


[Video] kingroadie June 6 2010, 01:27:21 UTC
More or less zombie things, they could still talk- but they were pretty fucked up. [He frowns now, twitch of sadness in it before he can cover it completely.] Now, that's a complicated question to answer.

S'why I'm trying to make something big enough to knock the tree down. If we get them in one swoop we can make way through the forest. [Heather can probably hear him shuffling papers in his room, he's actually drawn up plans.] No kiddin', thought I was somewhere fucked up before.


[Video] hell_is_silent June 6 2010, 01:48:31 UTC
[Heather suppresses a shiver at the idea of something like that still being able to talk.] It -- wasn't a town called Silent Hill, was it?

... So you mean like, explosives? [The drawing up plans bit is pretty impressive.] You have like, a blueprint for this or something?

[A man of action. A point in Eddie's favor.]


[Video] kingroadie June 6 2010, 02:02:17 UTC
[Eddie shakes his head as a no.] I was in some kind of swamp, heading to some town. Might've been a possibility. All I know is, it was a rough area. Dead underfoot in the water and trying to kill me and my group.

Explosives would be a little too risky around here, especially with the fact there are more people being dropped off here every day. Shrapnel would be too dangerous for anyone not involved. I won't risk anyone's life unless they sign up for it themselves.

I'm primarily thinking of something somewhat bulldozer like? Just big enough to take out a whole slew of trees without it getting stuck or needing to stop. [He's resisting his urge to sketch it out more, ideas rolling in his head as they speak.]


[Video] hell_is_silent June 6 2010, 05:56:49 UTC
Uh, maybe not, then. Silent Hill's in New England. Your place sounds... different. But I can't really say you're crazy, since I've been seeing tons of crazy stuff lately myself.

[OMG. Someone who sounds like they have a brain in their head. It's a decent-sounding plan to her, better than smacking walls with pipes when it looks like they might heal on their own.]

... Y'need any help?


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