~3rd Glory~ Reality Finally Hits (In Person-at the hotel)

Dec 27, 2011 22:16

[Varon didn't let a lot of things get to him but the fact remains that he was in one place one day then waking up in another place in Japan finally hit him. He looks at his duel disk strapped to his arm, a Christmas present from the Author, gave him some bad memories. He quietly sits at the koi pond and watched as the cherry blossoms dropped their petals. He remembered Dartz, Amelda, Raphael and so many others. Mai came into his thoughts and he growled in his throat.

It was a rising irritation to remember the one person that he fought and died for only to be repaid with an empty promise. He pulled the Cyber Harpie from his deck and felt the urge to rip it to shreds. He stops himself before taking such actions. He sighs and slides the card back into the pouch on his belt. It was better to pretend that nothing happened and move on than to dwell on the issues. He hated dwelling.

Now he was faced with a new life, a new crisis and a new set of situations that he was completely unfamiliar with. New Year's wasn't a day that he wanted to spend alone. Sure he made an aquaintance through Ryuutaro but that only went as far as his face would be willing to show. So far, he feels very uncentered.]

What am I supposed to do?

[He's still unaware that the Manor had a mind of its own and the Author was now another person that he was going to have to hunt down and destroy to free not only himself but those that were haplessly drawn in to this place. He knelt in front of the koi pond and watched the fish swim. It was really the only way he could calm himself without getting into a fight and he was already too sore to engage in another one.

He sighed loudly.]

I'm so lost. Dammit!

[Now wasn't the time to feel sorry for himself. Now was the time to act and he had no plan. He watched the fish for a few minutes more, searching.]

comment: mary winchester, varon de la costa, plot: kyoto

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