008 - Near - [Audio] - wtfdood

Dec 23, 2011 08:45

[Well, this was annoying. One second he was sitting in the middle of some garden maze, and the next, he's back in his room. Not that it surprised him that the Author would have such pitifully short attention span, but if there had been one thing she did consistently, it was that "plot" changes always occured overnight on the start of a new "week," not in the middle of the day, middle of the week.

Unless of course, someone had already found the missing blueprints. Near debates between using the scrambled audio or his own voice before finally settling on the latter.]

So did anyone actually find the blueprints?

[While waiting for a response, Near decides to move on to the next step, pulling up the contact list. That's when he sees a large - much larger than the usual - chunk of numbers gone. An even larger chunk of unfamiliar numbers took their place. The hell...

He looks outside his window to be greeted by the snowy landscape that certainly wasn't there before. Realization hits.]


(ooc: If you're confused, that's b/c last time Near was at the manor (late June-ish), it was during the blueprints plot, where everyone was looking for blueprints of the manor. Time has not changed for Near since then, so he still thinks it's the same week. Feel free to make him feel stupid, because he sure as hell does. \o/)

near, comment: hayato gokudera, plot: christmas

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