Sabaku no Temari | 09 | [In Person/Video]

Dec 07, 2011 00:09

[Sitting out by the lake, Temari is just staring blankly over the water, Gokudera's hoodie doing next to nothing for warmth considering the snow around her. Pulling her almost bare legs closer to her body, a bowl was sitting beside her, the contents not visible to the camera.

This didn't make any sense...

Jutsu's made sense...

Death made sense...

Fortunes...they were just a scam. Right?

But why were things coming up accurate...and more was she able to read them? She'd never put much stock in fortune telling, it was just a way to make some quick money off of gullible fools. But that didn't explain how she knew how to read such a ridiculous scam.

Glancing down, she noticed the blackberry was on. Instead of turning it off, she picked it up and peered at the camera. She was lost, she relied so heavily on realistic things, this was more than a little confusing for the poor girl. What threw her off more than that though, she couldn't feel the wind like she usually could. It was always there, whispering to her...but now, it was deadly silent, as though ignoring her and abandoning her like everyone else in her life had.]

...What's happening to me?

comment: hayato gokudera, comment: ryuutaro fukami, plot: talent swap, sabaku no temari, comment: wonderweiss margera

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