Pinoco | Karte 02 | [Action] Just What Is The Author Trying To Say?!

Nov 30, 2011 11:54

If no one had spotted Pinoco yet, you couldn't blame them. While others were simply mermaid versions of themselves, or something large like a shark or swordfish, Pinoco was, true to form, something much smaller. Something with an exo-skeleton, of sorts, and something bright right.

" is sho not fair..." Pinoco grumbled under her breath, using the multiple legs granted her to side-skitter through the ground floor, leaving a cloud of sand in her wake. "Pinoco should be a goooorgeoush mermaid and be wif Shenshei."

She lifted one of her pinchers, and snapped it a few times at no one in particular. "Dish better nawt be PERMANENT!"

Now, to find Black Jack. What could he have turned into..?

plot: under the sea, pinoko, comment: black jack

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