[Action] Waking Up A Mermaid

Nov 28, 2011 09:54

[Ran wasn't really all that concerned with the fact that her legs were traded in for a crimson mermaid tail. It didn't even really bother her that she was now surrounded with coral reefs and beds of seaweed.]

[No, she had more pressing matters on her mind. Not even the fact that Conan-kun hadn't been seen for the past week was enough to distract her from the task at hand.]

[Where were the rest of the women in the mansion? What had they done? Maybe if she got a better idea of how they were handling it, she could get out of dodge and cover herself. Luckily she hadn't run into anyone yet, but she couldn't spend the whole time hiding if she wanted to find a way to clothe her breasts.]

Aaaah this is so embarrassing! [Of course, a loud, whiny outburst like that wouldn't help in the way of not drawing attention to herself. Nice one, Ran.]

plot: under the sea, comment: lenalee lee, ran mouri, comment: catherine

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