This is dedicated to K.B.|| Turn the page. || Chapter 1 (Edit) || [In person]

Nov 27, 2011 09:47

[She looks beautiful, he shouldn't be thinking that. She looks beautiful and so sad while she stands there at the podium delivering a speech about a man who she should never have to do this for.

A glint of light catches his eye. With everything that has been going on, he should have been quicker to react. He should have moved on instinct instead of staring at the glimmer and trying to figure out if what he was seeing was what he thought it was.

Because who would be bold enough to shoot a police officer at her Captain's funeral? The entire idea was so unlikely in his own mind that he just couldn't believe what he was seeing. By the time he did move? The shot had already been fired and he was too late.]


[He rushes over.] It's alright, I've got you. [Oh god the blood.. it's all over her hands where she touched her chest. He's struggling not to cry. He has to keep control. She needs him to be strong, because if he breaks now, she might not make it.

She might not make it. He can't eve think that right now. Regardless, of what he'd like to not think about, that one thought echoes through his mind.]

Don't leave me. I need you. Stay with me.. Stay with me...



I love you, Kate. Don't go.. [He jerks awake.] Kate! [Castle almost falls off the bed. He's tangled in the sheets and soaked in sweat. Or maybe he's been crying... either way..

Where is Beckett? What is it about waking up like this feels like deja vu? He's off the bed and without much thought at the dresser where he finds his clothes. He'll worry about how he knew those were going to be there later first he needs to find out what happened to Kate.

Castle throws open the door to his room and finds himself staring at a door that has Beckett's name on it. It couldn't be that easy could it? He looks down the hall one way, then the other he has an odd sense of familiarity about this place, but it's cloudy like looking through a foggy window or trying to recall a dream after you've been awake for too long.

If someone were to find him right now he'd probably have a perplexed look on his face while he stands looking intensely at the door across the hall from where he stands, willing it to open because he can't bring himself to knock. He's too frightened of what he might find behind it.]

comment: kate beckett, richard castle, plot: canon shift 2

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