002- Video/Action

Nov 24, 2011 21:28

This is a really bad kidnapping attempt.

[Not that Shinichi minded. There were worse ways to wake up in unfamiliar surroundings, after all, he could've woken up bound or injured. All things considered, he should be thankful that he was relatively safe- considering that he had been kidnapped.]

And if the person who brought me here is seeing this, I have one piece of advice to you: You don't let the person you kidnapped keep anything that could potentially aid in their escape.

[For anyone who finds him, Shinichi is walking around the mansion and poking at everything. He will also be kicking a soccer ball around. Take that as you will.]

((ooc: All icons are glasses-less.

SUPER AWESOME EDIT: This is Shinichi, who is really seven years old. In other words, not "Conan".))

comment: hattori heiji, conan edogawa [kudo shinichi]

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