[Action] Making Hot Cocoa For Those Playing Outside~

Nov 22, 2011 10:19

[It was hard to miss the talk over the network about the recent snowfall. Of course, waking up to that gentle silence that snow brought with it was enough indication that the landscape of the mansion had changed to a more seasonally-appropriate outlook.]

[Ran couldn't help but be a little excited. Tokyo rarely got snow, unless it was having an unseasonably cold year. Typically she would have to travel a little up north and west-to Osaka, for example-in order to enjoy any type of snow-related recreation.]

[But there was snow! A rare occurrence that Ran wasn't about to take for granted. She snuck into the kitchen once it was empty. She needed to spend some time to better acquaint herself with the layout, and see just how well the pantry was stocked.]

[...she had to admit, she was impressed! All the ingredients she needed were available to her in perfect view, along with several ingredients she wasn't all that familiar with. This had potential!]

Well then, it's not getting any warmer outside...! [Ran rolled up her sleeves and set to work by the stove. She had solid bars of milk chocolate, a gallon of milk, some cinnamon sticks, and a bag of marshmallows ready and waiting.]

This will be loads better than any instant mix! [Ran smiled as she stirred the milk to keep it from burning on the bottom of the bot.] This'll be a nice treat for everyone~!

comment: john egbert, comment: sabaku no temari, ran mouri, plot: canon shift 2, comment: dave strider, comment: john dillinger, comment: teru mikami

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