Execution 01 // This looks familiar.. not

Oct 31, 2011 18:21

[Having been back in his home for a short period of time, he's more than a little surprised when he finds himself faced with a festival in nigh full swing. The 'people' of the town don't seem to notice him or his strangeness, generally being friendly and offering him copious amounts of beer. Which he must sadly decline, after all, dat helmet.

So he ( Read more... )

pyramid head, plot: octoberfest

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[Action forever.] (And here I was just saying: I owe him a happy, I shouldn't be mean) 100deaths_a_day October 31 2011, 18:49:15 UTC
[And yes, Dean does. He stiffens significantly at the sound. and this is him moving to the next stall... and the next... moving as quickly as he can without drawing attention to himself among the rest of the festival go-ers.]


[Action] (XD PH won't hurt him. Yet) chaotictherapy October 31 2011, 18:54:53 UTC
[Looking up sharply Pyramid Head staggers towards the noise. It'd begun to slowly come back to him when he found a Blackberry buried in the folds of his robe. But what got him the most was the familiar scent of Dean's aura.

However this time he has no intent of being left behind, he gradually manages to build momentum with the blade as he makes his way carelessly through the crowds. Thankfully they all parted for him, as though he were splitting the proverbial red sea.]


Re: [Action] (XD Good. he's meant to be getting hammered with Sammy tonight) 100deaths_a_day October 31 2011, 19:36:11 UTC
[He does a much better job of moving quickly seeing as his brain hasn't been fried beforehand this time. Unfortunately, he doesn't get the same treatment, and the hustle and bustle of the streets is hindering his movement as he has to weave between people.]


[Action] (A JUST AND NOBLE CAUSE!) chaotictherapy October 31 2011, 20:08:36 UTC
[Damn, bugger and blast this crowd. Pyramid Head gives a loud frustrated growl as he shoves someone aside hastily. It didn't matter they were nothing more than useless barely formed energy. Whilst he had an interest in Dean, he was more interested in confirmation of his location at this point.]


Re: [Action] (DAMN RIGHT! especially after the <s>months</s> week of hell he's been through) 100deaths_a_day October 31 2011, 20:26:19 UTC
[Dean turns off into what looks like a little side-street.]

Son of a BITCH! [the loud curse comes as he hits a dead-end down aforementioned side-street. because I appear to lack the ability to make this easy]


[Action] (Maybe christmas PH will give him something nice?) chaotictherapy October 31 2011, 23:19:19 UTC
[The yell was all Xuchilbara needed to work out where Dean was, managing to manoeuvre successfully through the crowds. Perhaps the Author wanted this? Then again, he had been around long enough to not be foolish enough to place that sort of faith in a probably sociopathic little girl with too much power.

Making it known he didn't intent to let Dean go anywhere else, he stood in the archway, blocking the way with his entire mass. You feelin lucky bro?]


Re: [Action] (A BIG METAL HOOK? 8D /shot) 100deaths_a_day October 31 2011, 23:46:29 UTC
[shit shit SHIT.]

I'd say lets talk this over, but you don't seem the talking type. [He quickly scans the area, looking for some possible exit and not seeing any.] the hell do you want from me anyway? I'm guessing it isn't me putting you on my christmas card list.


[Action] (Blaaaaaaates. /revives) chaotictherapy November 2 2011, 11:43:52 UTC
[Pyramid Head staggers closer, and with about three feet between them, he slams the Blade into the ground. Seemingly carving something into the cobblestones.

Where is this place

Conversation, something he hadn't been equipped for. Then again he hadn't really needed to converse with James.]


Re: [Action] (/loves on) 100deaths_a_day November 2 2011, 12:43:43 UTC
[Just give him a sec to.... let his brain catch up to what the hell was going on here.] ...Not the talking type but the writing type, apparently.

Oktoberfest... The real one, I think. or, as close as the author can get. So that would make this Germany.


[Action] (/purrs~) chaotictherapy November 9 2011, 00:01:20 UTC
[So it was the Author behind this all. He had almost forgotten about her existence - perhaps that was what she had wanted out of this? Well he did have more important things to be doing than obsessing over his last stay in the Manor.

Hastily he pulled his sword from the cobbles, despite how awkward it had looked. He did nothing just stood silently in front of Dean, his aura no longer burning as it had the first time they met.]


Re: [Action] 100deaths_a_day November 9 2011, 01:39:41 UTC
[...No, gotta ask. Seeing as he apparently CAN communicate.]

What was with the stalking thing? That how you get your creepy kicks?


[Action] chaotictherapy November 9 2011, 12:51:57 UTC
[With a low rumble he shakes his head. Once again, the blade is slammed into the ground but this time he doesn't start writing. He fishes out the blackberry from the folds of his robe and begins awkwardly trying to use it. The blackberry screaming with static as he uses it.

He sends the text, seeming to make Dean's blackberry join the static.]

'I am the punisher of Silent Hill. You are possessed of great deal of guilt. Burdens you feel you should be punished for. I am giving you what you want.

[Be glad it's not Osiris.]


Re: [Action] 100deaths_a_day November 9 2011, 14:27:55 UTC
[He just... looks at the message among the static] ...great. A whackjob monster that thinks it knows what I want. I don't know what the hell you're on about, but you are way off the mark.


[Action] chaotictherapy November 9 2011, 14:30:39 UTC
[If he could sigh he would. Beginning his approach once more, Pyramid Head decides to put less distance between them. He reaches out to grab Dean by the collar of his shirt. Thinks he knows what he wants? Knows. He can deny it all he wants.

His aura flares up once again with a loud inhuman growl from under the helmet.]


Re: [Action] 100deaths_a_day November 9 2011, 16:10:13 UTC
Woah, okay, okay. [despite the front of his shirt being grabbed, he manages to give a cheeky smile. Just.] But... think we could leave the giving me what I want 'til later? I got things to do this week. [oktoberfest seems like the perfect place to get Sammy to relax.]


[Action] chaotictherapy November 9 2011, 16:17:20 UTC
[If he had eyebrows, he'd have raised one by now. Dean making demands of him? His free hand pulls the blackberry out again.]

'You have quite some confidence to be making demands of me, Dean Winchester. But I cannot help but wonder if it is nothing but a ruse. Why should I allow you the time?


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