action; 01

Oct 24, 2011 20:42

[ He’s slumped over on a bench, his shoulders hunched in against the chill, mind frantically trying to piece together something half forgotten as he wakes. Erik opens his eyes, grey meeting a strange land for the first time. He doesn’t even remember falling asleep, and that should worry him, but it’s nothing compared to what he sees. The fog is ( Read more... )

plot: silent hill, erik lehnsherr

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psychic_labrat October 24 2011, 19:51:23 UTC

... )


atthemercyof October 24 2011, 19:54:41 UTC
[ There's something eerie about it. Erik had wanted this to be a dream, waking up in that old house, he'd desperately hoped for it all to be so, but this feels too real even in it's unnatural horror. (Erik has known a lot of unnatural horror.)

Shifting his power from each rung of the railing to keep himself focused, like a child skipping stones, he moves further into the fairground, trying very hard to keep his head.

He hears something though, shifts to the right and keeps moving, listening out. ]


psychic_labrat October 24 2011, 19:59:15 UTC

... )


atthemercyof October 24 2011, 20:03:04 UTC
[ He's passing the low edges of the rides, cutting his glance to the rust and decay around him. He hears something creak, tilts his head to look up, curls his power around the ride without thinking about it.

There's no reason he should think anyone else is here. ]


Yeah, Charles, what was that about recklessness? psychic_labrat October 24 2011, 20:09:01 UTC

... )


JEEZ CHARLES, LET ERIK KNOW YOU'RE THERE, if you kill yourself atthemercyof October 24 2011, 20:13:01 UTC
[ He can hear it again, the scrape of metal above him. He's not scared of the sound, because whatever it is, he has the advantage here. He could easily trap something.

How quick his mind turns to that.

Still, Erik's not melodramatic. He clears his throat, ignoring the chill in his lungs. Calling out. ] Who's there?


HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO KNOW YOU'D CONVENIENTLY SHOW UP? psychic_labrat October 24 2011, 20:19:37 UTC

... )


Charles? [ He sounds incredulous for a moment, then worried. He still can't see him up there, squinting through the gloom. ] What are you doing up there?


FAIR ENOUGH. I WILL AFFORD YOU THAT POINT. psychic_labrat October 24 2011, 20:39:25 UTC
I couldn't tell you. I just woke up here. Do you have any idea where we are?

*the car creaks again as he moves, struggling to see Erik. It was an odd way of locating someone, for him, but he had a feeling he'd have to get used to it. His power was next to useless right now*


GOOD. IT'S LIKE A JOINT VENTURE OF SAVING atthemercyof October 24 2011, 20:55:28 UTC
I don't no, it doesn't look before, it's unnerving. [ Tersely. ] Stop moving, I can feel the cart swaying and if you fall and break your neck, I'll - [ Well. He's not sure what he'll do. ] Can you see? This damn fog is horrid.


THEY CAN GET A TIMESHARE. psychic_labrat October 24 2011, 21:01:50 UTC
This isn't the manor, that's for sure. *choosing not to answer the second bit. He has every faith in your abilities, but he does stop moving.*

I can't see anything. It almost feels like I'm floating in nothingness. *his tone was a little ironic, trying to find some humor in this situation*


YES. GOOD PLAN. CHARLES, YOU'RE A GENIUS. atthemercyof October 24 2011, 21:14:16 UTC
Do you want me to bring the cart down?

[ He could, it's possible, he could turn the Ferris Wheel if he had to. Or de-attach the cart. But he'd rather not do that. ] I've never seen anything like this. I'd rather you were down here where I can actually see you.


BUT OF COURSE. I HAVE THE DOCTORATE AND EVERYTHING. psychic_labrat October 24 2011, 21:17:05 UTC
Yes, that would be ideal, if you would.

*Charles doesn't particularly care how he gets down, so long as he has solid ground beneath him soon*


/SWOOOOOOOOOONS atthemercyof October 24 2011, 21:24:08 UTC
[ He has to concentrate with the creeping despair running up his spine. His fingers flex slightly at his side and the whole thing lurches a little, Erik's teeth gritted when he starts to turn the wheel. It's a slow, silent process, but anything to break through the fog. ]


/pets psychic_labrat October 24 2011, 21:28:38 UTC
*Charles waits patiently, impressed as the wheel moves. He'd honestly just thought Erik would bring down the car, but this...this was progress he hadn't expected to see.

Just how far into his future was he? Part of him desperately wanted to know, while the other part didn't for the same reason he tried not to ask Emma anything about his life*


/puuuuuuuurrs atthemercyof October 25 2011, 09:15:46 UTC
[ It takes a long moment, but eventually it breaks through the fog, and Erik can see him again. He ignores the dart of relief in his chest, pulls the wheel around further so that Charles is closer to the ground. ]


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