Mary Winchester | 10 | [Action/Video]

Oct 24, 2011 01:21

[Cold. That was the first thing that registered to Mary. Cold and that she was somehow on the floor. Blinking slowly, she let the world come into focus...this wasn't the manor. Sitting up, she glanced around the room; it looked like...a butcher shop? Standing slowly, Mary knew that after the last plot with the angels, this wasn't going to be a cake walk. If anything, it would probably be hell.

First things first. Find out if everyone else was okay and if they had any idea of where they were. Using the elastic band on her wrist, she pulled her long hair back into a ponytail. If this was anything like the plot with the zombies, she'd be needing to concentrate as much as she could. Pulling her blackberry out, she switched it to video function.]

I think it's clear that we're not at the manor anymore. If anyone has any idea of where we are, now's the time to come out and say it. I'd also like to know if anyone's hurt; until this is resolved, there would be safety in numbers. So please, if you're alone, give someone an idea of where you are so that we can make sure to get someone else with you as soon as possible.

plot: silent hill, mary winchester

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