*Heiji is lying in bed, and doesn't look entirely happy about being there. There's a slight haze about the room at the edges of the picture
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[Well, his ghost had a tendency to disappear in the evenings... otherwise Hayato would just forgo sleep just to talk to her or even watch her. However he was in far too good a mood to sleep. He comes on the screen with a rather uncharacteristic smile on his face]
My ghost is just fine. Not here now though. What's up?
I didn't really know her as a kid. She was only allowed to see me a few times a year, and I wasn't allowed to know who she was... didn't figure out who she was until a few years after she died...
[He shrugs. It was all old hat to him by now... granted, it's when his life took a turn down the crapshoot.]
Well, she'll be waitin' for ya when you get sent home at least.
[And he's casually lighting up a cigarette. He tried not to smoke around his mother... actually he had been doing his best to hide just about all of the hints that he was a hitman from her...]
*that was secretly a cruel thought, but Heiji'd already come to terms with the fact that he could live here for years and no one at home would ever know he was gone*
Hey, maybe one day I could ask th' Author to let me visit again, and bring ya with me.
My ghost is just fine. Not here now though. What's up?
Not much is up, really. Bedridden with a busted leg, and there's been no one t'talk to all week.
Yer in a good mood.
[The teens smile broadens and a blush creeps on his cheeks, all accompanied by an awkward neck rub. Jeez was he really that easy to read?]
I-I guess so...
...who is it?
It's my mom.
She musta been a wonderful person.
I didn't really know her as a kid. She was only allowed to see me a few times a year, and I wasn't allowed to know who she was... didn't figure out who she was until a few years after she died...
Kinda wish I coulda seen mine. She's not gone, nor do I want 'er to die, of course, but I miss seein' her.
Well, she'll be waitin' for ya when you get sent home at least.
[And he's casually lighting up a cigarette. He tried not to smoke around his mother... actually he had been doing his best to hide just about all of the hints that he was a hitman from her...]
Yeah, that's gotta be true, though I didn't get t'see 'er last time I went home.
Ah well. She'll understand. *it's a good thing she's missing this period of his life anyway. They'd BOTH freak out*
[He's still smiling]
You're lucky like that!
Hey, maybe one day I could ask th' Author to let me visit again, and bring ya with me.
M-me? Aw, c'mon, y'don't want that. I'll get into trouble, I'm bad news!
[He always does. He really is a walking example of Murphy's Law.]
*Dead bodies. Falling from the sky. Really, Heiji has bad luck covered all by himself*
It's not exactly pissin' people off that I'm worried about... mostly...
[It's how bad he's going to maul them when they piss HIM off... (really Heiji you saw the ungodly amounts of dynamite he kept on him)
ontop of the general cloud of misfortune and injuries that seem to befall him...]
Eh, don't matter. If Osaka c'n handle me, I'm positive it can handle you too.
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