Video or In Person | Garden

Oct 13, 2011 21:24

((ooc: purple is Lenalee, red is ghost!Anita.))

[Lenalee is sitting on a bench in the garden, hands folded in her lap. Behind her is a gorgeous woman in ornate robes that cover just a little bit too little, comb in hand. Her wistful smile is almost motherly as she brushes Lenalee's hair out.]

Your hair is getting long again.

Yes. There's still a ( Read more... )

comment: yu kanda, lenalee lee, plot: ghostly visitors 2, comment: chidori kuruma

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in person pallasthetennyo October 14 2011, 19:49:20 UTC
[ It was much too difficult for Chidori to believe that the beautiful lady could be her mother. The woman looked too young and beautiful to be. Then again --- she just met Gokudera's beautiful mother ... so she knew better now than to judge a book by its cover.

This scene made Chidori a little sad though ... and she almost wanted to cry. ]

My mommy used to do that for me ... when she was alive.


in person nec_metu October 15 2011, 14:36:07 UTC

[It was hard to know what to say to that. She had not consciously thought of the action as motherly, but Anita brushing her hair out probably did look that way. It felt it, too, now that she thought about it. Lenalee wondered vaguely if her mother had done the same.]

I'm not sure if mine did.

[Most likely. That was something that most mothers surely did for their children, but she had little to no memory of her own parents. Lenalee had been so young when they were killed-- she was momentarily afraid that if they did come back as ghosts she wouldn't recognize them.]

Would you like to sit down?


in person pallasthetennyo October 15 2011, 20:12:21 UTC
[ Did that mean the lady wasn't her mother afterall? It --- also sounded like she was an orphan ... like her. Hearing that, it did make Chidori want to no more about her. No one wanted to feel alone. What person wouldn't want to meet a person that understands? She smiles and then gave a nod. ]

Chidori would like that, thank you.

[ She sat in front of Anita and Lenalee and just watched them for a while. If the lady wasn't her mommy, who was she? They didn't really look alike. So they probably weren't family.

But She had to be ---- pretty close to her if the author chose her. ]

By the way, my name is Chidori. What is yours?


in person nec_metu October 20 2011, 23:46:02 UTC
[Lenalee quirked her head to the side as Chidori introduced herself, a small smile in place. Referring to herself in third person, like that woman from before. Was it a common thing in other places?]

Lenalee Lee, it's nice to meet you. [She paused a moment, before gesturing behind herself and adding--] This is Anita.

[The ghost stopped long enough to nod at Chidori, before resuming brushing Lenalee's hair.]


in person pallasthetennyo October 24 2011, 07:38:15 UTC
[ She waves an enthusiastic hello to Anita and Lenalee. They were both so pretty. Then again --- since coming to the mansion she rarely saw anyone that wasn't good looking. ]

Hello, Anita! Hello, Lenalee! It is really nice to meet you!

Ne, Lenalee? Do things like this happen often?

Ummm ... you know ... your ghosts coming to see you like this?

[ She missed her parents --- but she wasn't yet sure if she was ready to meet them. ]

[ ooc: Yes. Now I play two characters that call themselves in the third person! ]


in person nec_metu October 26 2011, 22:38:59 UTC
Not always things like this. Something strange usually happens every week or so, but it's always something different. Sometimes it's bad, but...

[Lenalee smiles, leaning back ever so slightly. Though she can't quite feel Anita, it's impossible to miss a lock of hair being tucked fondly behind her ear.]

Sometimes good things happen, too.


in person pallasthetennyo October 27 2011, 21:42:25 UTC
[ She smiled and nodded. Chidori hasn't been in the mansion long --- and maybe she was just unlucky but she hasn't had much luck since getting here. On her first day here --- she had almost gotten killed. The rest of that week hadn't been much better. ]

I hope so ...

I still--- think this place is a little scary.


in person nec_metu October 28 2011, 02:39:17 UTC
It can be.

[Lenalee's mind strays to zombie outbreaks and sinking ships.]

But if you're ever in danger, you can call me. There are a lot of people here who are willing to help others.

[As well as some individuals who are considerably less helpful, but Lenalee likes to think that the good outweigh the bad.]


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