Video or In Person | Garden

Oct 13, 2011 21:24

((ooc: purple is Lenalee, red is ghost!Anita.))

[Lenalee is sitting on a bench in the garden, hands folded in her lap. Behind her is a gorgeous woman in ornate robes that cover just a little bit too little, comb in hand. Her wistful smile is almost motherly as she brushes Lenalee's hair out.]

Your hair is getting long again.

Yes. There's still a ( Read more... )

comment: yu kanda, lenalee lee, plot: ghostly visitors 2, comment: chidori kuruma

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[in person] infiniillusion October 14 2011, 18:20:23 UTC
[Kanda is, naturally, wandering around the lovely garden after planting some more flowers in one corner, when he hears voices. And one of them belongs to Lenalee while he doesn't know the other, so he sneaks a bit closer, peering from behind a rose bush to see who it is.]

[Well, there's someone who looks like a softer version of uppity whore, and it's a someone he's never been before, not to mention both she and Lenalee seem perfectly comfortable with the situation and it is quite weird.]

[Lenalee, why did you bring a classy hooker into the garden?]


[He steps out into the view, but he can't exactly phrase a coherent question and just blinks, tilting his head and staring at them.]



[in person] nec_metu October 15 2011, 14:11:57 UTC
[Don't you be hatin' on her hooker mom.]

[It takes a moment for Lenalee to notice Kanda, lost in memories of her last time spent with Anita. It's wrong, to have someone dead come back to life. Nothing more than a trick of the Millennium Earl, Lenalee knows better than to trust it. But Anita is not truly alive now, and Lenalee knows of the existence of ghosts just as well. This meeting is far, far more enjoyable than her last encounter with one. Like all things in the Manor, it's sure not to last. But Anita's company is worth enjoying while she can, even if it is a constant reminder of all the people she couldn't save.]

[Lenalee glances up, and brightens when she takes note of Kanda, waving him over. At first she attributes his confusion to the fact that there is a dead woman behind her, but then it dawns on her that Kanda never got to meet Anita. It's a strange thought, given what an impact Anita had on her during the brief time they were together. But it isn't a memory that Lenalee had ever shared with him.]


[in person] infiniillusion October 24 2011, 09:13:08 UTC

[Kanda stares some more, looking quite dumbstruck, but finally takes note of the waving and steps closer, almost in a sneaky manner, before stopping still a few meters away and her dead hooker mother figure.]

Who is that.


[in person] nec_metu October 28 2011, 01:07:55 UTC
[Lenalee frowns at the irreverent way he phrases the question, though Anita simply smiles knowingly, hearing someone else's voice in his bluntness. Kanda isn't someone who respects people without being given a reason to, Lenalee can't expect him to know how Anita should be treated without even knowing who she is. But a reprimand is still on the tip of her tongue, before she turns to gesture to the woman behind her instead.]

This is Anita.

[Lenalee gives her an apologetic look, before moving her gaze back to Kanda.]

This is Kanda.

[Anita nods, amused, though Lenalee isn't sure how she could have known about him.]


[in person] infiniillusion October 28 2011, 11:59:34 UTC
[Kanda stares back, and for a good while it looks like he's not going to do anything even remotely appropriate for an introduction, but then finally he does give a slight nod, frowning a little and staying where he is.]

[He's almost tempted to ask how they know each other, but that's really none of his business now is it.]


[in person] nec_metu November 20 2011, 18:01:30 UTC
Anita was the captain of the ship that brought us to Edo.

[Some explanation is in order, but that suffices, doesn't it? Not that Lenalee is embarrassed to include that Anita is also a brothel owner, it's more that... it doesn't feel necessary, and she isn't sure that she would be able to get the words out without blushing profusely.]

[Anita seems to understand, chuckling and giving Lenalee a pat on the shoulder. The way she is dressed should be enough indication that she is not merely a sailor.]


[in person] infiniillusion November 23 2011, 17:21:11 UTC

[His expression doesn't change.]

...I didn't see any ship.

[Nope, completely unaware of the rather tactless thing he just stated. Not at all. In fact, he looks almost a little offended himself.]


[in person] nec_metu December 28 2011, 18:51:18 UTC
[Lenalee glances downward. Tactless, yes, but it's not as if memories of Anita's death hadn't been on her mind since the ghost appeared.]

It sunk, with a lot of people on it.

[Nearly the entire crew. She considers explaining how Chomesuke carried them to shore, but the story seems needlessly detailed and even more depressing.]


[in person] infiniillusion December 29 2011, 11:52:49 UTC
I see.

[Since Lenalee and the others got to Edo, it means they escaped that somehow. And he's not that curious of a person. The result is what matters, after all.]

[He's not sure how to deal with this now, though, and shifts his weight in a bit of discomfort. He should be civil to Lenalee's dear dead hooker mom, but he has no idea how to go about it.]


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