First Solo - Eddie Riggs [Audio/Video]

Oct 10, 2011 18:39

[There is shuffling going on, the blackberry's camera being covered unintentionally by a very large man.] Well, s'not the first place I've woken up with no recollection of how I got here. Probably the 44th one- no wait, 56th, yeah that sounds about right. Though I don't feel like I got a hangover or anythin'.

Hell, I feel pretty good for wakin' up in some random ass fancy house. I was sort of expectin' to feel like the floor of a movie theater. Just- more beer flavored and even stickier. Maybe a few gum wrappers stuck in my hair again. Dunno yet, my hair is kinda tangled at the moment. I'll check later, probably should find out where the hell I am first.

At least the bed was comfy, I can give this place that much. M'givin' the bed a ratin' of- 7 out of 10. Pretty good, but not my favorite.

[He's moving around now, finally getting the video feed on. The manor treated to the sight of a very large man smiling down at the blackberry.] So- yeah, if anyone is out there, think you could give me an idea of where the hell I am? I was sorta in the middle of somethin'.

comment: mary winchester, plot: ghostly visitors 2, comment: ichabod crane, comment: sasha nein, eddie riggs

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