Detective Notes 01 | Accidental Video/In Person

Sep 19, 2011 15:09

[Naoto study's the Blackberry carefully, it seemed like an older model of the phone, but still, in a place such as this it was rather odd to see a phone like this. Considering they appeared to be in the renaissance period.]

I wonder why a contraption such as this exists in what appears to be the renaissance?

[She turns it around, the scene you now ( Read more... )

naoto shirogane, comment: hakuba saguru, plot: fairy tale week, comment: trisana chandler

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im_in_ur_exit September 19 2011, 20:16:54 UTC
Well, the good news is, whatever may've gone on in your world, it's not related to this.

And you're right in that you're nowhere near "home". I'm afraid what we know so far of the explanation is going to sound a bit crazy, though. [Even with the wardrobe change, he's still entirely too calm about all this.]


caseofthetruth September 20 2011, 06:36:43 UTC
[Well, she still can't explain her sudden wardrobe change herself, but whatever it was, it wasn't good.]

Crazier than being kidnapped by some crazed person and likes to play dress up?

[So far, that's her conclusion to this whole thing, but it didn't make sense as to how they had managed to get her of all people.]


im_in_ur_exit September 20 2011, 06:42:42 UTC
[He half-frowns, sheepishly; as many times as he's said it, the short version never stops sounding crazy.]

From everything we've managed to tell and what clues we have? You've been kidnapped to some sort of pocket dimension outside any of our home worlds and realities by a teenage girl we only know as "the Author", who doesn't seem to realize that she's netting real people. She has a short attention span and is a bit flighty, so things change fairly continually - sometimes it's small things, sometimes - like this week - it's a complete change of scenery. We don't know how the "kidnapping" works yet, either, nor have we found a way to directly contact her.


caseofthetruth September 20 2011, 11:04:16 UTC
[Taking all of the information, she closes her eyes and listens carefully to every word. So, she was right about the whole being kidnapped thing, but the rest she was way off... sort of anyway. She waited for a moment before opening her eyes again, all the information swimming in her head.]

So people have been kidnapped by this 'Author' and are basically stuck here?

[She is guessing by the fact that people are wondering around free, yet have not even left or tried.]


im_in_ur_exit September 20 2011, 11:15:22 UTC
[He nods quietly.] Basically. If you head too far in any given direction, you either run into a sort of impenetrable barrier, or get returned to your room here. People do seem to get - returned occasionally; some people are here longer than others, and there's been a few occasions of people being returned to their home world and then ending up back here again later, and there's evidence that time doesn't always pass the same between here and wherever someone's from... and a few people who're dead in their worlds that're here.

[At least you're taking it pretty well - it's ... a lot of crazy to process.]


caseofthetruth September 20 2011, 13:40:42 UTC
Hmmmm, this is an awful lot of information about this place. Have you been here long yourself? To be able to get that much.


Sometimes I hate Saguru a little/gd OCD. im_in_ur_exit September 20 2011, 19:29:07 UTC
[There's ...far less of a pause than there really should be considering the answer. It's less him needing time to figure and more the "Damn, it's been that long?" pause.]

Ten months, nineteen days, fourteen hours, fifty-nine minutes, and about thirty seconds... I have a bit more than that, but honestly it's depressing how little I have after that much time. [There's some of the finer points he's picked out, the fictionality in parallel universes, and he can tell you plenty about some of the people in the Manor, but...]


/pats and gives cookie caseofthetruth September 21 2011, 11:59:43 UTC
[Okay, she had to admit that was impressive to say the least. Naoto would usually keep track by notes in books, like a diary except minus the private stuff.]

So, this place has people who have been here for various times since you have been here for much longer than I have and that it's all done by someone known at the 'Author'?

[She pauses for a moment, she didn't have a note book to put stuff in right now, but later she hope she can find something.]

I think I'm starting to understand about this world in a completely different place to our own.


Re: /pats and gives cookie im_in_ur_exit September 21 2011, 18:16:26 UTC
[He actually has a stack of notebooks in his room; he's just ... OCD about time.]

More extreme than that, even, I'm afraid. There's a few people from wildly different worlds, I've known a few from different versions of a future-Earth, several from past timelines, a few that were dead in their own world, and have been able to compare notes with some of the people from similar time periods that we're not even from the same version of "Earth". As for the Author, while that title I suspect came from the rabbit, some of us have been working to decipher what we can about her from what we have.

[At least notebooks aren't that hard to get ahold of?] It's best to be careful with people you don't know - some of them have wildly different standards of "normal" or what's "standard rules".


caseofthetruth September 22 2011, 12:14:14 UTC
I'll make sure to be careful, but this whole different timeline thing is something I have never heard of before. It's rather interesting thought to behold of though. This girl seems to have put up a rather interesting place somehow and yet she doesn't let any of us know who she is. This shows that maybe she might be smarter than people expect. Or it's just because she chooses to withhold the information.

She seems rather more than just a simple kidnapper if it has been going on for so long in so many different places.


im_in_ur_exit September 22 2011, 21:26:50 UTC
It's possible, although so far the nature of her actions has been erratic enough, nevermind one incident a few months ago, that I suspect it may be a case of someone with runaway powers who doesn't know what they're doing. I'd try asking the Bunny, but I doubt it's the sort of question he'd answer; still, even he seems to be lacking in ways to directly communicate, and her actions are ... erratic.

As for timelines...[He ponders; Inaba and Amagi would both imply Japan - ] What year was it for you before you were brought here?


caseofthetruth September 23 2011, 12:53:43 UTC
Hmmm, I'll make sure to keep that in mine when I can find some way to ask.

As for my timeline the year was 2012, or at least a few months into the year 2012.


im_in_ur_exit September 26 2011, 09:28:06 UTC
In that case -

Would you happen to know if there was an incident in the news around 2010, where at least then-unknown parties had taken an unregistered Blackhawk helicopter and opened fire on Tokyo Tower, at least until the helicopter sustained some damage and went down - the wreckage never found?


caseofthetruth September 26 2011, 13:11:41 UTC
[Give her a moment to think about it.]

According to my own memory, I don't think we ever had anything such as that happen in Tokyo in that year.


im_in_ur_exit September 27 2011, 06:07:52 UTC
Then we're likely not from the same world; the two best litmus tests I have for those from my world are that and the Phantom Thief Kid. Sadly that sort of thing is about all there is to tell sometimes - and I wonder if even that's always reliable.


caseofthetruth September 27 2011, 12:36:20 UTC
Though it is a good way of figuring it out, without giving too much away. It's a nice balance of information to make one have to think if it happened within their own world.


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