24th bomb || Hayato Gokudera || [in person]

Sep 09, 2011 01:48

[Well to anyone walking past the Parlor would probably notice... well...

a significant lack of parlor.

It seems the author was all for setting up a little birthday surprise for the teen... which said teen didn't appreciate. Having a birthday on the anniversary of the death of your mother doesn't exactly make it a happy day. After he was done ( Read more... )

comment: sabaku no temari, comment: ryuutaro fukami, hayato gokudera, plot: pokemon

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/just tags this before going to school xD fortunatefan September 9 2011, 06:44:24 UTC
[When something is blown up it's not exactly hard to tell who's responsible for it. Ryuutaro just stood there for a moment, staring at the mess. Then he spinned around and stepped to Hayato's room.
Technically he'd not planned on staying inside for long, sharpedo was outside in the water after all (creepy shark or not, Ryuutaro just had to like it), but this was urgent.
Either Hayato had picked a fight with someone in which case it was good to look if he was injured or something else had happened and then it'd be very good to check on him as well.

Reaching the door, he knocked softly, opening the door a bit]

... Hayato?


LOL good thing I'm asleep while you're in school XD killer_melon September 9 2011, 14:08:48 UTC
[Hayato doesn't move at first, it's not until the Lapras nudges his face nudges his face does he rip himself apart from the video and looks up. His face is rather solemn, as his his tone. And he's smoking, not something he often does due to the risk of explosive materials typically littered about, but today they're all cleaned up]

Oh hey...


fortunatefan September 9 2011, 17:36:58 UTC
[It'd be a lie to say Ryuutaro wasn't all sorts of alarmed. He enters the room slowly, closing the door behind him and walks over to Hayato.
Ever since truth week he'd been a bit insecure about asking questions to Hayato, but he could easily lie to him now. It shouldn't be anything wrong this this]

May I ask what's wrong?


killer_melon September 9 2011, 17:41:55 UTC
[Well, for once Ryuutaro's questions are full welcomed. Usually he would talk to his sister on his birthday. It didn't have to be about the event... but talking to someone who knew what happened... it just made things a bit easier. Not that Ryuutaro knew that his mother died on his birthday, but he was the only one who knew the WHOLE story, that Gokudera had told voluntarily.]

It's my birthday.


fortunatefan September 9 2011, 17:55:23 UTC
[That should be a good thing-- Ryuutaro pauses in his thoughts, freezing in his steps for just a little moment

'Around my third birthday my father had her killed'.


The fortune-teller sits down next to Hayato at the side that wasn't taken by Lapras.]

I hope you can forgive my lack of polite phrases here, I think neither would be fitting.

[Naturally he's referring to 'Happy Birthday' and 'I'm sorry']


killer_melon September 9 2011, 18:13:08 UTC
[He looks up to his friend and runs an unsure hand through his hair]

It's fine... I don't really know what to say either...

[He glances down to the blackberry, the woman who's likeness to him was undeniable.]

I never had a picture of her or anything before now.... [he lets out a half-hearted scoff and a weak smile] Kind of a morbid birthday present, but it's nice I guess...


fortunatefan September 9 2011, 18:57:39 UTC
[Ryuutaro smiles a little as well. This was such a difficult situation to be in... For a moment he says nothing anymore]

I don't suppose you have any other plans or wishes for today, do you?


killer_melon September 9 2011, 19:15:02 UTC
[He doesn't look up for a moment, just thinking about how to answer. When he does look up, he does so with a little shrug]

I dunno... first time I've haven't been... in my world on my birthday...

[Well that part was kind of obvious, but he didn't really know how else to put it. He was a little homesick too...]

Usually the Tenth would throw something together... I'd sit through it... then call Bianchi when I got home...


fortunatefan September 9 2011, 19:31:26 UTC
[ Ryuutaro understood and then again he didn't understand at all. Birthdays and how to spent them were another thing he was a bit oblivious, too. Being born on New Year the only way he really knew how to spent birthdays was to go to the shrine. And he knew very well that it was not the usual way.]

Throw something together? Like what?

[Not that 'sit through it' sounded like Hayato had enjoyed it one bit, but Ryuutaro needed to buy some time for thinking how to deal with this]


killer_melon September 9 2011, 19:42:08 UTC
[He takes a calming drag from his cigarette before he speaks]

Well... the Tenth doesn't know about... my mother... so he would get some of the guardians and a couple others and throw a party.

[He smiles a bit remembering all their chaotic little parties and get-togethers. They were fun, his birthday was just the one day a year when he wasn't up to it.]


fortunatefan September 9 2011, 20:17:53 UTC
I see...

[Another moment of silence follows]

Would you like to come outside to get some fresh air?

[Fresh air = solution to everything ever, as Ryuutaro's past stays in the forest during any weather have so clearly proven.]


killer_melon September 9 2011, 20:26:17 UTC
[Hayato exhales slowly]


[And he pushes himself up, giving the Lapras a pat on the head and nudging the bucket of fish closer to it. He's been treating his Ogopogo well.]

Let's go.


fortunatefan September 10 2011, 10:06:15 UTC
[This way of acting, this ... lifelessness was creeping Ryuutaro out. He had a feeling that this was going to be a long, long day to get over. Standing up himself he changed the topic a bit.]

I wonder what these creatures are... I haven't seen anything like that before.

[A rather lame attempt to break the weird mood, even he himself had to realize it]


killer_melon September 10 2011, 15:59:50 UTC
[He looks up at Ryuutaro a bit surprised. He had assumed since Ryuutaro was a fortune-teller he would be more aware of the occult world.]

It's the Ogopogo.

[Silly Ryuutaro, don't you know an Ogopogo when you see one?]


fortunatefan September 10 2011, 22:36:38 UTC
[Well, Ryuutaro's a fortune-teller. Mostly specialized on... fortune-telling, surprisingly. Not even his so-called 'magic' is real after all]

Well, this particular one looks like it, but there's so many variations of creatures I've never seen before this week, it has me wondering.

[Even if his new partner is most likely a shark. ... well, half of a shark]


killer_melon September 10 2011, 22:57:10 UTC
Really? I've been able to pick out what most of them are.

[Have you NOT noticed the ungodly collection of occult-nerd books and magazines and tabloids on his bookshelf? This week has been his paradise...

Unfortunately the only thing he would be able to make of your shark-thing is that it's crippled... sorry Ryuutaro, it's not quite as spectacular as his Ogopogo]


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