#001 // accidental video // in person

Aug 22, 2011 22:43

[Kanda wakes up in an awkward sitting position leaning against the open doorframe to a small second class cabin. He appears to be only wearing pants, boots and a little girl's ribbon that's holding his hair up in a ponytail. There's also a spread-out tattoo on his chest ( Read more... )

yu kanda, plot: titanic, comment: lenalee lee, comment: allen walker

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whitefacedclown August 22 2011, 20:25:36 UTC
[Allen was pretty much use to getting lost whenever the author sent them to some new place and a ship was no expection... unless of course you could smell food and figure it out from there. Allen had somehow managed to find the kitchen and was now happily eating something he had gotten from the kitchen, some other food essentials in one of his pockets.

Once he got to the hallway he stopped dead in his tracks, the food thankfully staying in his mouth as he saw the last person he would ever expect to see here of all place and man did he look pissed in Allen's eyes.

He tried to say Kanda's name but instead came out food muffles, so taking a moment to actually chew and shallow the food he tried again.]



infiniillusion August 23 2011, 07:49:45 UTC
[It was probably lucky that Kanda's last memory of Allen Walker wasn't the rage clouded moment when he truly looked like the embodiment of all that ever went wrong; at the same time, him laying on the ground turning all Noah-y even though he did aid Kanda to come to his senses some regarding Alma - who just exploded, anyway, fuck it all - wasn't helping it that much.]

[And he's right there now, and Kanda stops and glares.]


[Pointing sword at him accusingly.]

You're supposed to be almost dead.

[Come to think of it... onto more important matters now. Twitching.]

What is this place?


whitefacedclown August 23 2011, 08:39:27 UTC
[Well, at least he knew that Kanda was still...Kanda to say the least, even though in his head he was sure he looked different. Either way the glaring isn't doing much to Allen, that was until his nickname came about. It had been a while since he heard it and even now he wasn't a fan. Not at all and it certainly showed in his face, which had become slightly annoyed.]

My name is Allen.

[From being annoyed at the nickname to slightly confused, he was supposed to be dead? Last thing he remembered, thinking about it... was that it, though he doesn't remember nearly dying, just a lot of pain and possibly broken bones, but that was about it.]

What did I do to be supposedly dead?

[It's a question that's going to be bugging him for now, at least after he answer where exactly Kanda was. The confusion melted away as a smile was placed there instead.]

This is a boat, can't you tell Bakanda?

[He knew it wasn't what the man meant, but he couldn't pass off the opportunity to say it. So until he spoke again he was going to be eating some ( ... )


1/2 infiniillusion August 23 2011, 15:46:22 UTC
[He just scowls; he does kind of feel like the brat has finally deserved a name, at the same time he's once again acting annoying with no redemption. In the end, he promptly ignores that exclamation.]

Got in the fucking way. Hell if I know.

['Protected the Akuma', he'd say if he was still feeling that murderous rage. It's all gone now, though, and while he still hadn't managed to sort it out with Alma before he went boom, it's still better than... whatever. Whatever. Somehow this doesn't look like that place at all.]

[He twitches, including the ponytail, at the taunt.]

Fuck off.


2/3 sorry infiniillusion August 23 2011, 15:46:40 UTC
[A very solemn know-it-all expression he might have learned from Lavi at some point, who the heck knows.]

I know enough about boats. And this is way too big to be a boat.

[....waaaaaait isn't he forgetting something]


3/3 infiniillusion August 23 2011, 15:48:40 UTC



whitefacedclown August 24 2011, 08:35:40 UTC
[Allen paused mid bite, well he should have guessed Kanda wouldn't give an answer, or a good one at least. Swallowing what he had just eaten he turned around looking out of the round window, moving back onto the subject of them being on a boat.]

Well it's a boat none the less, though I do admit it's not one I've seen before.

[He moves away from the window.]

The truth is, we have been taken here by someone call the author.


infiniillusion August 24 2011, 17:44:53 UTC
[Kanda continues scowling, for the moment somewhat glad the topic is averted from whatever's going on back home -- and he's still not reassured this is not an illusion.]

[He looks through the window as well, and yup, that's water. He still hopes it's some sort of a hoax, though now he does consider it might be possible. At least he didn't wager his hair on it. Yet.]

...'Author'? Are you shitting me?

[Does not comprehend.]


whitefacedclown August 25 2011, 11:56:01 UTC
[Allen wished this was all an illusion and that right he was was fast asleep back home, but from what he gather and even attempted to do, he can't seem to figure it out. He shrugged slightly, his face rather unamused at the whole thing, but he couldn't exactly tell truth to fiction on this matter.]

Apparently so, if you ask anyone else they'd tell you the same thing. This place might not even be here by next week knowing our luck.

[This place... will never make any sense to him no matter how much he tried to figure it out.]


infiniillusion August 25 2011, 12:42:35 UTC
[Yeah. And that's going to reassure him because.]

[He continues eyeing Walker, then points Mugen's hilt at him accusingly.]

This is all Noah's doing, isn't it.


whitefacedclown August 25 2011, 14:18:31 UTC
I wish it was.

[He remembers talking about the possibilities with Lenalee, but knew that if this was Road, they would have known of this by now.]

If it was a Noah, we would have known of it by now. I don't think they're the type to hide and play games for too long.


infiniillusion August 25 2011, 16:10:59 UTC
[You might be an illusion made to say this to reassure him. :| ...but by now Kanda starts considering that this sory of yours... might be... true.]

...I see.

[Said very distastefully, you'd think he'd almost prefer it to be the Noah.]

So what the fuck is all this again.


whitefacedclown August 26 2011, 10:35:05 UTC
[Allen wishes it was the Noah to, but right now that hope seems less and less likely the longer he stays here without them making an appearance.]

We have been brought here by a girl called the author. That's all I know about the person.

[Not like she shows up at any given point, she just writes.]

Usually we stay at the place called the manor and at least once a week we are involved in one of her plots.

[He sighs slightly, hopefully that was slow enough for him to understand.]

Do you understand now?


infiniillusion August 26 2011, 13:11:49 UTC
[skdhfkshf what slow you're slow beansprout]

[Staring with continued distasteful look. Oh look there's also skepticism blooming on top of it subtly like a morning flower. But at least he doesn't seem to think Walker is personally responsible for it anymore.]

A girl.

[ s t a r i n g ]

You're saying all of this is concocted by some simple brat?!


whitefacedclown August 27 2011, 10:37:54 UTC
[Only slow when he gets lost :| which if you on a large ship, can happen.]

[He nods, yep he isn't as happy about it as you Kanda... he's just shrugging his shoulders slightly.]

Apparently a simple brat has out-smarted us both and Lenalee too.

[It... really sounds worse when you say it out loud.]


infiniillusion August 27 2011, 16:47:28 UTC
[Only to hopeless people with no sense of direction. :|]

[Happy? Who's happy? Even his ponytail is twitching. Sarcasm, what is.]

[...it sure does.]

How the fuck can they do that?

[Last he checked, simple brats didn't possess cross-dimensional void powers. Not that he ever checked. So who the hell knows.]


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