001 - Naomi Misora - [Accidental Audio]

Jul 21, 2011 13:05

Cannot believe this.

[The woman's voice is harsh. Who ever this is, she clearly sounds annoyed not to mention exasperated. It has been a long day.]


[There's a scraping noise as the recording device gets lifted from the bed. Naomi has finally discovered the blackberry and is now examining it. So, this really had been a kidnapping attempt after ( Read more... )

plot: zombies!, comment: burter, comment: hayato gokudera, naomi misora, comment: l lawliet, comment: teru mikami, comment: sasagawa ryohei

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killer_melon July 21 2011, 20:09:51 UTC
[Well speaking of juveniles... guess who caught that video?]

Oh hey, lookit that, the nag's back. I thought you died.

[After all... the last time he had spoken with her she was sick.]


[audio] agentmisora July 21 2011, 20:52:13 UTC
[A kid? What's with that attitude. Naomi doesn't like him already.]

Are you talking to me? Who is this?

[Obviously Naomi's never been here before. The kid either meant someone else or that's just now he happens to greet all strangers. Rude.]


Re: [audio] killer_melon July 21 2011, 21:03:36 UTC

["who's this"? What, what, what, what....what?]

No I'm talking to myself, who the fuck do you think I'm talkin' to? You... really don't remember me? Like at all?

[he's pretty sure he left an impression on her when he was here last...]


Re: [audio] agentmisora July 21 2011, 22:20:35 UTC
[Well, he's not the kidnapper, that's for sure. A captive as well then, huh?]


[Naomi hears your sarcasm and returns you the favor.]

No, I just said it so that some obnoxious kid can ask me more rhetorical questions.


Okay, sorry, it's been a long day. Look, I think you have the wrong person. This phone's not mine. I just found it.


Re: [audio] killer_melon July 21 2011, 22:44:40 UTC
[He sighs and rubs his temples... not that she can see. The author strikes again then]

Naw, I don't. You're like... a cop or somethin' right?

[Shame he didn't ever bother to learn her real name... that would have been convincing... well despite being a total nagging bitch, she had sorta tried to look out for him when he was sick. Naomi you had BETTER appreciate this failing attempt at being civil...]

So you don't remember this place at all? Do you... [oh god he can't believe he's doing this] want me to... y'know... [oh god it hurts] explain it or something?

[He somehow feels dirty inside for asking that... he'll need to punch someone in the face later to cleanse himself of this good deed.]


Re: [audio] oh dera, you're so cute when you try to be nice agentmisora July 22 2011, 01:17:27 UTC
Y-yes ...?

[Well, Naomi wouldn't be surprised if she was notable in her field, but why would a kid know of her profession? She worked for the FBI for god sakes.]

Well, yes, an explanation would be nice.

[What was wrong with this guy? He sounded like he was about to hack up a weasel. Confused Naomi is confused.]


Re: [audio] IT HURTS HIM SO BAD! *dying at the weasel comment* killer_melon July 22 2011, 01:27:13 UTC
Where are you... it's easier to explain in person.

[and less tempting to hang up on you... er... less POSSIBLE to hang up on you...]


Re: [audio] agentmisora July 22 2011, 03:56:45 UTC
Well, I don't know. I just got - oh wait

[Doh. Stupid. If he had to ask her, a newcomer, then obviously there should be a room number or map of some sort. Naomi opens the door to double check, scowls at the fact that her kidnapper had engraved her name on the plaque (seriously, no respect for privacy!), then came back.]

Room 56. Um, you know where that is?


[audio] >>> [in person] killer_melon July 22 2011, 04:14:15 UTC
It's right down the hall from my room.[AREN'T YOU LUCKY MISORA?!] I'll be there in a sec.

[The teen hangs up and in a couple minutes there's an angry teen on a crutch knocking at the door. He's recovering from some mostly minor-ish injuries from zombie week... and a few injuries that just seemed to come because he's Hayato Gokudera and he just gets hurt.]

Oi. You in there?!


[in person] awwww yea xD agentmisora July 22 2011, 04:59:41 UTC
Yes yes, coming.

[How frustrating. He wanted to help, which is nice and all but, what's with that attitude? Naomi scowls. If anything she should be the one that's angry.

Naomi opens the door ... and kind of stares dumbfounded at the kid, and at his leg, and then quickly averts her eyes. Oh, shoot. She hopes she didn't offend him just now. Ooh, now she feels really guilty, making a kid on crutches walk over to her instead of vice versa. No wait, he started it.

But .. argh. Still an uncomfortable thought.]

Oh, I- I'm s- ... you know, I could have come over to you had you asked.


[in person] HARASSING CRIPPLED CHILDREN NOW MISORA?! killer_melon July 22 2011, 05:20:14 UTC
Tch, well I didn't. It's just a friggin' leg, funny thing, I got two. [It's just a flesh wound!]

[He grumbles a bit, letting himself into the room to sit down.]

So you want to know what's goin' on, or are you just gunna stare at me the whole time?


[in person] FFFFFT CRIPPLED PSYCHOTIC CHILDREN agentmisora July 23 2011, 02:16:14 UTC
[The nerve.]

Fine. [She closes the door.]

So, what's going on?


[He sighs and leans forward hands on his knees. If you had ANY reason how difficult being civil was Misora...]

You're at a place called "the manor", it's pretty much an inter-dimensional shit-hole controlled by some little sadistic 14-year-old bitch. She takes people from different worlds and times and sticks us here. Sometimes she sends people home, sometimes she brings them back, like with you. You were here before. Total nagging bitch. [points for honesty?] Sometimes people remember it, and sometimes they don't I guess. It's fucked up like that. That's about all I know.


Re: [in person] agentmisora July 23 2011, 03:03:41 UTC
[Okay kid, you really need to brush up on your presentation skills. How are you ever going to make it far in life with such crude vocabularly and unpolished speech?

Also, Misora doesn't buy any of that. She thinks you're on drugs or something.]

Uh ... huh ... and, how did you come to that conclusion?

[-1 point for honesty, rude kid.]

Also, are you sure it wasn't just someone who looked and sounded like me?


Re: [in person] killer_melon July 23 2011, 03:20:22 UTC
Because I've been here for six frigging months.

[The teen takes out his blackberry and scroll through some of his old messages until he finds the one from when they were sick. He pauses it so that it's right on her face and hands the blackberry to her]

Not unless you got a twin.


Re: [in person] agentmisora July 24 2011, 07:35:34 UTC

[She takes the device and plays it, absolutely flabbergasted at what she's seeing. It's her alright. However, this just doesn't make any logical sense.

Naomi turns off the blackberry and hands it back. She's had enough of it. Knowing that something this strange is happening makes her uncomfortable, and seeing it makes her feel no better.]

Okay .. so. Let me get this straight. Some 14 year old has supernatural powers. She's able to teleport anyone from any time period across any dimension to this building? On top of that, those who leave may or may not retain their memories?

[Yes, Naomi realizes that she is just repeating the same thing the kid had just said, but it was meant to be more as self-reassurance than an actual set of questions. Somehow, she figures hearing it from her own lips would make everything make sense. It didn't.]


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