16th bomb || Hayato Gokudera || [video/in person]

Jun 21, 2011 13:45

[The feed comes on to a rather pale and ill-looking Hayato. He's got dark circles under his eyes, his breathing is shallow, and it appears he having a difficult time just getting the energy to talk. The blackberry seems to tremble as he's having a difficult time holding it]

Oi... I was just wonderin' if...

[He looks off to the side for a moment, ( Read more... )

plot: blueprints, comment: light yagami, comment: ryuutaro fukami, comment: hakuba saguru, comment: hatori sohma, hayato gokudera

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[Video] fortunatefan June 21 2011, 17:53:04 UTC
[Upon seeing this, Ryuutaro goes even thousand times paler than he usually is. If that's possible.]

H-Ha-Hayato! [This boy is from an innocent world, it takes him a bit to form coherent sentences right now. And then suddenly, sharply:]
Do you really think cigarettes are the most necessary thing right now?

[A pause, taking a deep breath]
W-where are you?


Re: [Video] killer_melon June 21 2011, 18:00:46 UTC
[Hayato shakily lifts the blackberry and perches it on his chest in favor of holding it again]

I... I'm just startin' to feel real sick... I just need a smoke...

[Hayato looks around him]

some weird-ass bubble thing that Doctor set up...


[Video] fortunatefan June 21 2011, 18:05:57 UTC
[....Need a smoke? Couldn't it just be because his leg is missing?! Ryuutaro is trying really hard not to get kind of hysterical. Also he's getting up now, trying to search for Hayato. The Blackberry shows a shaky immage of Ryuutaro walking very fast, close to running. At least he knew now where his bad feeling came from. He'd have prefered not to know. ]

That's not very descriptive, but I'm trying to come over.


Re: [Video] killer_melon June 21 2011, 18:12:11 UTC
Sorry... I've been loaded up on so many painkillers I've been hearin' colors... don't remember the past few days well....

[He looks around again trying to discern where he is exactly]

Kinda wooded... but not the forest I don't think... I can sorta see where the manor used ta be...


[Video -> In Person] fortunatefan June 21 2011, 18:18:58 UTC
[Ryuutaro nods, thought it's kind of hard to tell, with the lense moving all the time. Wait... 'hearing colors'? Dear lord of fate...]

I'll find it.... somehow.

[In Person]
[In which he miraculously succeeds. He's trying not to look at the lack of leg, as he's walking towards the other. His steps are very shaky. He's really not used to bloody things.]

Wha-- what... [... okay, wait, starting this new] How did this happen?


Re: [In Person] killer_melon June 21 2011, 18:26:48 UTC
[Hayato initially has his head turned away, he didn't want to look at his injury either. But Ryuutaro's arrival gives him something to distract himself from his condition. Though he would much rather not have anyone have to see him like this... the company is still welcome.]

...It's a long story... don't worry about it... I don't even remember most of it.

[He couldn't tell anyone what happened. He owed Temari for saving Ryohei and himself. He would just play dumb about the whole thing... besides, he didn't want to get anyone involved...]


[In Person] fortunatefan June 21 2011, 18:32:00 UTC
[Ryuutaro sighs and sits down next to Hayato's head.]

But, as you may have noticed, I ... am... worrying. [Is he? Yes. Yes, he is. It's kind of hard not to be in a situation like this. His hand is clenched around his fan tightly, searching for support from the item somehow]


Re: [In Person] killer_melon June 21 2011, 18:37:52 UTC
[Hayato bites his lip, he hated making people worry. There were more important things they could be worrying about rather then him.]

I said don't worry about it, I'm gunna be fine, look....

[The teen takes a deep breath and grunts as he starts trying to force himself to sit up with great difficulty]


[In Person] fortunatefan June 21 2011, 18:40:31 UTC
[And is immediatly being pushed back down by Ryuutaro. No, he's not letting you do this.]

Maybe you are, but not if you act like a brainless idiot and push your body like that! [Did his voice just crack slightly? Must be imagination.]


Re: [In Person] killer_melon June 21 2011, 18:49:42 UTC
[Hayato of course goes right back down, and looks up at Ryuutaro, a bit vacantly. Even the simple effort of ATTEMPTING to sit up made his head spin. His hands were warm though... or perhaps he's just cold. He's been shivering non-stop since the whole incident. It wasn't even cold out, but he was freezing...]



[In Person] fortunatefan June 21 2011, 18:54:04 UTC
[Ryuutaro leaves his hands on Hayato for a moment, until he's sure that the other won't try this again. What should he do now? Just what? He can't even rely on fortune-telling in this place. He always relies on that!
Ryuutaro stares down at Hayato, swallowing hard]

J-just... relax and don't attempt something like this again...


Re: [In Person] killer_melon June 21 2011, 19:26:31 UTC
[He grunts a bit at the order]

M'gunna hafta take a piss sooner or later....

[his drugged little mind honestly wasn't trying to be funny, his mouth-to-brain filter was just a bit thinner then usual. Though his squirming seems to have brought something to the forefront of his mind. He reaches down to the remnants of his leg and winces. His eyes start to well up, ans he struggles to swallow the lump in his throat]

S'really weird y'know... how the pain just stops.... I can't feel it any more... s'really gone ain't it?


[In Person] fortunatefan June 22 2011, 12:33:27 UTC
[Ryuutaro closes his eyes for a moment. He doesn't really want to reply. The boy wishes he could lie about this...
Losing a leg... it's one of the most horrible things he can imagine. He can't even picture a Hayato who's unable to walk. He was such an active person... how could this ever happen? Ryuutaro isn't one too question fate, but this is too cruel...
He bites his lip, leaving a tiny hint of purple on his teeth. His eyes open, but he's unable to look at Hayato at all]

[He stops again, steadies his breathing and looks Hayato in the eyes this time. His voice is quiet]

It is... I'm sorry...


Re: [In Person] killer_melon June 22 2011, 15:28:02 UTC
[Hayato bites his own lip looking right back up to Ryuutaro. There's a sharp shaky inhale and he has to shut his eyes tight to keep himself by being overwhelmed by the tears that threatened to spill. He covers his eyes with his forearm and tries to take in another breath to calm himself down. The attempt is in vain, his breath is more shaky and pathetic then the first, and it didn't get better.

but he had to remember WHY he lost his leg. It was for Sasagawa... and he was alright... so it was worth it. His leg for Sasagawa's life. He had done his job for the Vongola.]

I...I don't regret it... I don't regret it... I did my job...

[He should be proud.... but that didn't stop the pain at all. Nor did it make him any more useful to the Vongola now that he was... well not even a whole person. There's another sniff and finally the tears start rolling down his cheeks]


[In Person] fortunatefan June 22 2011, 15:42:41 UTC
[Ryuutaro had known that this would happen, but those few moments weren't enough to prepare for it. The entire scene seems to unrealistic to him, he can't help wondering if he's dreaming. Hopefully he is, but at the same time he knows that he's lying to himself ( ... )


Re: [In Person] killer_melon June 22 2011, 16:13:02 UTC
[If Hayato could feel anymore ashamed of himself he'd try to crawl into a hole and just let himself rot. He was useless now. For one who had gone through his entire life feeling as though he had to prove his worth to the world, to let everyone know he had a right to exist, this might as well have been a death sentence. He was just taking up space now. He was utterly worthless.

The warm hand on his arm distracts him from his wallowing for a moment, he looks up at his friend. He had brought him down too. Quickly Hayato works to remedy the situation, bringing a hands to his face to wipe away the tears, and trying to will them to stop.]

th-thanks... I.. I'm sorry....

[Though... in all honesty... despite his humiliation and shame... he was glad Ryuutaro was there. He was scared, and at least knowing that Ryuutaro was there... even if Hayato knew that he himself was being horrible company at the moment, made it a bit easier to take.]


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